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Dreams and Psychology Bibliography |
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Psychoanalysis and Sigmund Freud
Jung, C. G. (1965). Memories, Dreams and Reflections .NewYork, NY:
Vintage Books. Edinger, Edwin (1972) Ego And Archetype. Baltimore: Penguin Books. Whitmont, Edward, C. (1969). The Symbolic Quest. Princeton, NJ
:Princeton University Press. Samuels, Andrew (1985). Jung and the Post-Jungians. London: Routledge
and Kegan Paul von Franz, Marie-Louise (1975) C. G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time.
William H. Kennedy(Trans). New York, NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons. Psychological Types, CW 6, esp chap. 11, "Definitions," under "Ego," p 425. Aion, CW 9, II, esp. chap 1"The Ego" pp. 3-7. "On the Nture of the Psyche," CW 8, pp. 159-234. "Child Development and Education," CW 17, pp. 49-62. Ego and Archetype by Edward Edinger. 1972, Baltimore: Penguin Books. Neumann, Erich (1954) The Origins and History of Consciousness. Princeton :Princeton University Press. Psychological Types, CW 6, chap 6, Chap 10, "General Description of the Types" pp. 330-407. Keirsey, David and Bates, Marilyn (1984), Please Understand Me Character Tempermaent and Types. Del Mar, CA: Gnosology Books, ltd. Sharp, Daryl, (1987). Personality Types: Jung's model of Typology. Toronto: Innter City Books, 1987. Psychological Types, CW 6, esp, chapter 11, "Definitions," under "Soul (psyche, personality, persona, anima)" pp. 463-470. Jung , C. G. Aion, CW 9, II, chap. 2 pp. 8-10. -------- . "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious," CW 9, I pp. 3-41. --------. "The Problems of Modern psychotherapy," CW 16, pp. 53-75. Guggenbuhl-Craig, Adolf. (1978) Power in the helping Professions. Zurich: Spring Publications. Von Franz, marie-Louise. (1971). "The Inferior Function". In von Franz, marie-Louise, and Hillman, James, Jung's Topology. New York: Spring Publication. von Franz, M-L. (1964) "The Realization of the Shadow" in C. G. Jung's man and His Symbols . p 166-176. New York, NY: Doubleday Whitmont, Edward, C. (1969). "The Shadow: Chapter 9 in The Symbolic Quest. Princeton, NJ :Princeton University Press. Jung, CW (1964 ). man and His Symbols. Especially chapter 3 my M.-L. von Franz, "The process of Indivduation." pp. 158- 229. New York, NY: Doubleday. Neumann, Erich (1954). The Origins and History of Consciousness. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Univ. Press. Watts, Alan, (1966). The Book: On the Taboo Against Knowing Who Your Are. New York:NY: Vintage Books. Jung: Aion, CW 9, II esp. chap 3, "The Syzygy: Anima and Animus," pp. 11-22. --------. psychological Types, SW 6, esp, chapter 11 "Definitions," under "Soul [psyche, personality, personal, anima]," pp. 463-470, and under "Soul-Image," pp. 470-472. -------- "The Relation between the Ego and the Unconscious" CW 7, esp part 2, chapter 2, "Anima and Animus," pp. 188-211. Jung, Emma (1957) Animus and Anima. New York: Spring Publications. Hillman, James (1985) Anima: The Anatomy of a Personified Notion Dallas: Spring Publications. Sanford, John A. (1980). The Inviable Partners. New York: Paulist Press. Whitmont, Edward C. (1969).The Symbolic Quest. see both the chapters on "Male and Female" pp. 170-184 and chapter 12 "The Anima" pp 185-200 and chapter 13 "The Animus" pp 201-215. Jung: Psychological Types CW 6, esp, chapter 11, "Definitions," under "Self," pp. 460-461. --------. Aion CW 9, esp, chapter. 4 "The Self," pp. 223-35, and chapter 5 "Christ, a Symbol of the Self." pp. 36-71. --------. (1957) The Undiscovered Self, New York: Mentor Books. (also as cw 10, p. 247-305) Edinger, Edwin (1972). Ego And Archetype. Baltimore: Penguin Books. Whitmont, Edward C. (1969).The Symbolic Quest. see both the chapters on "The Self" pp. 216-230 and chapter 16 "The Ego-Self Estrangement" pp. 250-264. (CW) = Jung, C. G. (1953) The Collected Works. Translated by R. C. F. Hull. Bollingen Series XX, vol.s 1-20, Princeton: Princeton University Press. (MDR) = Jung, C. G. (1965). Memories, Dreams and Reflections NewYork, NY: Vintage Books. Beebe, John, (1993). "A Jungian Approach to Working with Dreams" In Gayle Delaney(ed) New Directions in Dream Interpretation . Pg 77-101. New York: SUNY Press. Hall, James, A. (1983). Jungian Dream Interpretation: A handbook of Theory and Practice. Inner city Books: Toronto, Canada Jacobi, Jolande (1959 ) . Complex, Archetype, Symbol in the Psychology of C. G. Jung. Princeton , NJ: Princeton University Press. Jung, C. G. (1953). "the Concept of the Collective Unconscious," CW 9, I, pp. 42-53. --------. (1953). "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious," CW 9, I, pp. 3-41. --------. (1953). "The Relations Between the Ego and the Unconscious," cw 7, esp. pp. 127-138. --------. (cw). "The Practical use of Dream Analysis", CW 16, 139-161. --------. (cw). "General Aspects of Dream Psychology," CW 8, 237-280. --------. (cw). "On the nature of Dreams," CW 8, 281-297. --------. (cw). "The Analysis of Dreams," CW 4, 25-34. --------. (cw). "Morton Prince: The Mechanism and Interpretation of Dreams" A Critical Review," CW 4, 56- 73. --------. (cw). Symbols of Transformation see part 1, chap 2 7-33. Jung, C. G. (1933 ). "Dream Analysis and its practical application." In Modern Man in Search of a Soul. W. S. Dell and Cary F. Baynes (Trans). New York, NY: Harcourt, Brace and World. Jung, C. G. (1964). Man and His Symbols. New York, NY: Doubleday. Jung, C. G. (1984). Dream Analysis: Notes of the seminar given in 1928-1930. Princeton, NJ: Princeton Universtiy Press. Samuels, Andrew (1985). Jung and the Post-Jungians. Chapter 8 :"Dreams". Routledge and Kegan Paul. Samuels, A., Shorter, B., and Plaut, F. (1986). A Critical Dictionary of Jungian Analysis. London: Routledge and Kegen Paul. Shafton, Anthony (1995). Dream Reader: Contenporary Approaches to the Understanding of Dreams. Albany, NY: Suny Press. See especially Chapter 3 "Jung" 75-129. Sanford, John A. (1968). Dreams: God's Forgotten Language. New York: Harper and Row. Taylor, Jeremy (1992). Where People Fly and Water Runs Uphill: Using Dreams to tap the Wisdom of the Unconscious. New York, NY: Warner Books, Inc. --------. (1987). Working with dreams in pastoral counseling. Pastoral Psychology, 36(2), 123-130. --------. (1983). Dream Work. New York: Paulist Press. Whitmont, Edward C. (1987). "Jungian Approach". In Fossage and Loew (eds) , Dream Interpretation: A Comparative Study. New York: PMA Publishing Corp. von Franz, Marie-Louise (1975). C. G. Jung: His Myth in Our Time. William H. Kennedy(Trans). New York, NY: G. P. Putnam's Sons. von Franz, Marie-Louise (1979). Alchemical Active Imagination.
MYTHOLOGY AND DREAMS BOOKS AND ARTICLES Bettelheim, Bruno (1977). The Uses of Enchantment. New York, NY: Vintage Books. [Bruno has suffered from bad press lately about his qualifications, but his books teach quite well how to translate ancient stories into meaningful modern metaphors.] Brown, Carolyn T. (Ed.). (1988). Psycho-Sinology: The Universe of Dreams in Chinese Culture. Washington, DC: Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. --------. (1987). Changing Spirits with Dreams: Lu Xun's "Wild Grass". Dreamworks, 5(2). 1986/87, 105-112. Burkert, Walter (1985/1977). Greek Religion. London: Basil Blackwell
Publishers Campbell, Joseph (1959). The Masks of God. Vol 1-4, New York: Viking
Press. Campbell, Joseph (1972). Myths to Live By. New York: Bantam Books. Eliade, Mircea (1978).A History of Religious Ideas Vol.1- 3, Chicago,
IL: University of Chicago Press. Graves, Robert (1955). The Greek Myths Vol.s I and II. Baltimore, MD:
Penguin Books. Guthire, W. K. C. (1950 ) . The Greeks and \Their Gods. Boston, MA:
Becon Press. Hillman, James (ed) (1980).Facing the Gods. Dallas, TX: Spring
Publications. Jung, CW (1964 ). Man and His Symbols. New York, NY: Doubleday. Jung, Carl. (1978 ) Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the
Skies. Princeton,NJ: Princeton Univ. Press. Whitmont, Edward C. (1969).The Symbolic Quest.
Bodywork and Dreams
Downing, J and Marmorstein, R. (1973). Dreams and Nightmares. San Francisco: Harper and Row. Fosshage, J. C. and Loew, Clemens, A. (1987). Dream Interpretation: A Comparative Study. (Revised Edition) New York:PMA Publishing Corp. Mindell, Arnold (1982). Dreambody. Boston: Sigo Press. Narajo, Claudio (1980). The Techniques of Gestalt Therapy. Highland, New York: The Gestalt Journal. Perls, Frederick S. (1969). "Dreamwork Seminars." In Gestalt Therapy Verbatim, Moab, UT : Real People Press. Perls, Frederick S. (1970). Dream Seminars. In Joen Fagan and Irma Lee Shepherd (Eds.),Gestalt Therapy Now: Theory Techniques Applications. Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, Inc. Shafton, Anthony (1995). Dream Reader: Contemporary Approaches to the Understanding of Dreams. Albany, NY: Suny Press. See especially Chapter 6, "Gestalt", pp 213-231. Van De Castle, R. L. (1994). Our Dreaming Mind. New York: Ballantine Books. See esp. pp. 191-196.
Bogzaran, Fariba (1987). The creative process: Paintings inspired from the lucid dream. _Lucidity Letter_. 6(2). Barrett, Deirdre (1992). Just how lucid are lucid dreams? _Dreaming_, 2(4). 221-228. Castaneda, Carlos (1993). _The Art of Dreaming_. New York, NY: HarperCollins. Delaney, Gayle ( 1979/1989). _Living you Dreams._ San Francisco, CA: Harper & Rowe. Evans-Wentz, W. Y. (1958). _Tibetan Yoga and Secret Doctrines._ New York, NY: Oxford University Press. Faraday, Ann (1974). _The Dream Game_. New York, NY: Harper and Row. Gackenbach, Jayne and Hunt, Harry T. (1992). Lucid
dreaming as a transpersonal (meditational) state: A Gackenbach, Jayne & Bosveld, Jane (1989). _Control Your Dreams_. New York, NY: Harper & Row. Gackenbach, J. & LaBerge, S. (1988). _Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain: Perspectives on Lucid Dreaming_. New York: Plenum Press. Gackenbach, J & Sheikh, Anees A. (Eds). (1991). Dream Images: A Call to Mental Arms. Imagery and Human Development Series. Amityville, NY: Baywood Publishing Company, Inc. Gackenbach, J., Snyder, T. J., Rokes, LeAnn M., and
Sachau, D. (1986). Lucid dreaming frequency in relation to vestibular
sensitivity as measured by caloric stimulation. The Journal of Mind and
Behavior, 7(2&3), --------. (1974). Creative Dreaming. New York: NY: Ballantine Books. Gillespie, George (1988). see Gackenbach 1988, pg 27-63. Green, C. (1968). _Lucid Dreams_ Oxford: Institute for Psychophysical Research. Hearne, K. M. T. (1982). Keith Hersne's work on lucid dreaming. _Lucidity Letter_ 1(3). 15-17. Krippner, Stanley. (Ed.). (1990). _Dreamtime and Dreamwork: Decoding the Lanaguage of the Night_. Los Angeles: Jeremy P Tarcher, Inc. Green, Celia E. (1968). _Lucid Dreams_ Oxford: Institute of Psychopysical Reserach. Gregory, Jill (1988). _Dream Tips_. Novatos, CA: Novato Center for Dreams Hearne, K. M. (1977). Three cases of ostensible precognition fron a single percipient. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 49, 434-439. Hearne, K. M. (1978). Lucid dreams: An electrophysiological and psychological study. University of Liverpool: Doctoral dissertation. Hearne, K. M. (1981). "Lucid" dreams and ESP: An initial experiment using one subject. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 51(787), 7-11. Hearne, K. M. (1981). A "light-switch phenomenon" in lucid dreams. Journal of Mental Imagery, 5, 97-100. Hearne, K. M. (1982). Effects of performing certain set tasks in the lucid-dream state. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 54, 259-262. Hearne, K. M. (1983). Lucid dream induction. Journal of Mental Imagery, 7, 19-23. Hearne, K. M. (1986). An analysis of premonitions deposited over one year from an apparently gifted subject. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 53, 376-382. Hearne, K. M. (1987). A dream-telepathy study using a home "dream machine". Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 54(807), 139-142. Hearne, K. M. (1987). A new perspective on dream imagery. Journal of Mental Imagery, 11, 75-81. Hearne, K. M. (1989). A nationwide mass dream-telepathy experiment. Journal of the Society of Psychical Research, 55, 271-274. Hearne, K. M. (1991). A questionnaire and personality study of nightmare sufferers. Journal of Mental Imagery, 15(3-4), 55-64. Hearne, K. M. (1992). Prolucid dreaming, lucid dreams and conciousness. Journal of Mental Imagery, 16, 119-123. Hearne, K. M., & Worsley, A. (1977). An experiment in "telepathic" phobic fear and REM sleep. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 49, 434-439. Hearne, K.M.T. (1992). Prolucid dreaming, lucid dreams, and consciousness. Journal of Mental Imagery, 16(1&2), Spring/Summer, 119-123. LaBerge, Stephen. (1990). Lucid dreaming: Psychophysiological studies of consciousness during rem sleep. In: Sleep and Cognition. R. Bootzin, J F. Kihlstrom and D L Schacter (Eds.). Washington DC: American Psychological Association. --------. (1985). Lucid Dreaming. New York: Ballantine Books. LaBerge, S., Levitan, L., Dement, W. C. (1986). Lucid dreaming: Physiological correlates of consciousness during REM Sleep The Journal of Mind and Behavior, 7(2&3), 251-258. LaBerge, S., Nagel, L., Dement, W., & Zarcone Jr, V.
(1981). Lucid dreaming verified by volitional LaBerge, S. & Rheingold, H. EXPLORING THE WORLD OF LUCID DREAMING (New York: Ballantine, 1990). Moffitt, A., Kramer, M., Hoffmann, R. (Eds.). (1993). The Function of Dreaming. NY: State University of New York Press. Reeh, Henry (1978). Improved dream recall associated with meditation. _Journal of Clinical Psychology_, 34, 150- 156. --------. (1977). Meditation and lucid dreaming: A
statistical relationship. _Sundance Commmunity Dream Saint-Denys, Hervey de. (1982/1867). _Dreams and How to Guide Them_. (N. Fry, Trans). London: Duckworth. Shafton, Anthony (1995). Dream Reader: Contemporary Approaches to the Understanding of Dreams. Albany, NY: Suny Press. See esp Chapter 14 Lucidity, pg 431-485. Sparrow, G. S. (1976). _Lucid Dreaming: Dawning of the Clear Light_. Virginia Beach, VA: A.R.E. Press --------. (1976). Effects of meditaton on dreams. _Sundance Community Dream Journal._ 1(1), 48-49. Tart, Charles T. (1987). The world simulation process in waking and dreaming: A systems analysis of structure. _Journal of Mental Imagery_, 11(2), 145-158. --------. (Ed.). (1972)._ Altered States of Consciousness_. New York: John Wiley & Sons. --------. (1965). Toward the experimental control of
dreaming: A review of the literature. _Psychological Bulletin_, 64(2),
81-91. Ullman, M.& Limmer, C. (1989) _The Variety of Dream Experience_ . New York: The Continuum Publishing Co. Worsley, Alan (1982). Alan Worsely's work on lucid dreaming. _Lucidity Letter_ 1(4) 21-22. "The Mystical Man "-Copyright Los Angeles Times December 26, 1995 "A Rare Conversation with the Magical Mystery Man" --L.A. Times, December 26, 1995 Special Bibliographies on Lucid Dreaming Keith
Hearne (1st Ph.D. In Lucid Dreaming) Lucidity Bibliography
From the thesis: Hearne, K. (1978) Lucid dreams - an
electro-physiological and psychological study. PhD thesis. Dept. of
Psychology, University of Liverpool, England (May 1978).
Recommended Books on Lucid Dreaming:Lucid Dreaming, by Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D., (Ballantine, 1986). This is the seminal work that first brought lucid dreaming to the attention of the general public and legitimized it as a valuable field of scientific inquiry. It is still the best general reference on lucid dreaming, and a pleasure to read. Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming, by Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. and Howard Rheingold (Ballantine, 1990) A practical guide for lucid dreamers. The first half of the book establishes a basic understanding of sleep and dreams, followed by a progressive series of exercises for developing lucid dreaming skills. After presenting the lucid dream induction techniques, Dr. LaBerge explains his understanding of the origin of dreams, founded on current views in the sciences of consciousness and cognition. The applications considered are: adventures and explorations, rehearsal for living, creative problem solving, overcoming nightmares, healing, and discovery of expanded awareness and spiritual experience. Many delightful and illuminating anecdotes. Conscious Mind, Sleeping Brain, edited by Jayne Gackenbach, Ph.D. and Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. (Plenum, 1990) Nearly twenty dream researchers and other professionals, this is an essential reference for anyone interested in studying lucid dreams. Topics include: literature, psychophysiology, personality, therapy, personal experience, related states of consciousness, and more Control of Your Dreams, Gackenback, Jayne and Bosveld, Jane (HarperPerennial,1989). A full exploration of the techniques available to bring about and control lucid dreams, how to use them to explore your life and personality and overcome fears and contact your desires. Who could ask for more? Lucid Dreams, by Celia E. Green (Hamish Hamilton, London, 1968). This is the book that inspired Dr. LaBerge to begin his studies of lucid dreaming. Green reviews the literature on lucid dreaming up through the 50's, including the Marquis de Saint-Denys' work described below. She also presents case histories of lucid dreamers and well characterizes much of the phenomenology (subjective experience) of lucid dreaming. Dreams and How to Guide Them, by The Marquis d'Hervey de Saint-Denys, edited by Morton Schatzman, M.D. (Duckworth, London, 1982) A great pioneer of the art of lucid dreaming, the Marquis first published this exploration of lucid dreaming in 1867, yet this is a very modern, and, yes, lucid, thesis. He describes his personal experiments, and the development of his ability to exercise control in his lucid dreams. Pathway to Ecstasy: The Way of the Dream Mandala, by Patricia Garfield, Ph.D. (Prentice Hall, 1989) Delightfully told story of Patricia Garfield's transcendent and erotic adventures with lucid dreaming. Controlling Your Dreams, by Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. (Audio Renaissance Tapes, Inc., 1987, 60 minutes) This audio cassette tape captures the essence of Dr. LaBerge's public lectures on lucid dreaming. It is highly informative. Dr. LaBerge begins by portraying the experience of lucid dreaming. He then presents methods for learning the skill, including the powerful MILD technique and more. Trance Induction of Lucid Dreaming, by Stephen LaBerge, Ph.D. (The Lucidity Institute, 1993, 40 minutes) LaBerge's trance induction is designed to help you create a mind-set in which lucid dreaming will happen easily, and includes some other interesting symbol techniques The Sun and the Shadow: My Experiment with Lucid Dreaming. Kenneth Kelzer, Kenneth (ARE Press,1987). A powerful account of an psychotherapist's journey into lucidity and wonderful document of the process and considerations. One of the best personal accounts as well. Barrett, Deirdre (1993). The "Committee of Sleep": A study of dream incubation for problem solving. _Dreaming, 3_(2), 115-122. Blagrove, Mark (1992). Dreams as the reflection of our waking concerns and abilities: A critique of the problem-solving paradigm in dream research. _Dreaming 2_(4), pp. 205-220. Delaney, Gayle M. V.(1988). _Living Your Dreams: Using Sleep to Solve Problems and Enrich Your Life_. Revised Ed. San Francisco: Harper and Row. --------. (1979). _Living Your Dreams._ San Francisco: Harper & Row. --------. (1976). A proposed dream experiment: Phase-focusing dream incubation. _Sundance: Community Dream Journal, 1_(1), 71-83. Devereux, George (1957). Dream learning and individual ritual differences in Mohave shamanism. _American Anthropologist, 59_, 1036-1045. Gregory, Jill. (1988). _Dream Tips_. Novato, Ca: Novato Center for Dreams. Magallon, Linda Lane (1997). Mutual Dreaming. New York: NY: Simon & Schulster Meier, Carl Alfred (1966/1962). The dream in ancient Greece and its use in temple cures (incubation). In Von Gruenebaum, G. E.& Caillois, R. (Eds). (1966). _The Dream and Human Societies_ (Chapter 17, pp. 303-319). Berkeley: University of California Press. Originally a paper read to the "International Colloquium on 'Le reve et les societes humaines'" in Royaumont, France, 1962. --------. (1967/1949). _Ancient Incubation and Modern Psychotherapy_. Evanston: Northwestern University Press. (Original German, 1949). Radin, Paul (1936). Ojibwa and Ottawa puberty dreams. In R. H. Lowie (Ed.),_Essays in Anthropology_ (pp. 233-264). Berkeley, CA: University of Cal Press. Reed, Henry (1991). _Dream Solutions: Using your Dreams to Change your Life_. San Rafael, CA: New World Library. PO Box 1541, Virginia Beach, VA 23451. --------. (1985). _Getting Help From Your Dreams._ Virginia Beach, VA: Inner Vision Publishers. --------. (1976a.). Dream incubation: A reconstruction of a ritual in contemporary form. _Journal of Humanistic Psychology, 16_(4), 53-70. Schatzman, Morton (1987). The meaning of dreaming. _New Scientist_, December 25, 36-39. --------. (1983a). Solve your problems in your sleep. _New Scientist, 98_(1360) June, 692-693. --------. (1983b). Sleeping on problems really can solve them. _New Scientist,_ August 11, 416-417.
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