Block is a word of multiple definition: First, to parry a punch without hesitation; Second, a distance you have to walk; Third, an emotional repression even affecting talk. As you open the block you incredibly can feel Improving on all levels how you deal. We are now opening the un-factor Which improves the meaning better than any doctor. Unblock is to be free from all repression— Giving you excellent health—free from depression. If we change one letter, we get black, A word that needs better definitions to get on happiness track. Close our eyes—the mind is black or dark— From darkness comes wisdom; it is no lark. Unblack is free from anger or rage; Your wonderful, beautiful self engage. U.N. is also the United Nations Evolving us to World Unity from our separations. In an age of nuclear weapons and space travel Let us evolve to undream—the mystory unravel.