We would like dream-classes in pre-school, public schools, Prisons and emotional forensic hospitals At the very least, it will dissolve barriers and ameliorate alienation It will motivate the participants to have more care and respect The police, COs & MSOs would like to be more than authority figures There is a part of them, like in all of us, that would be healing figures In the present system the patients/prisoners keep returning We need to open the unconscious thru dreams That will pinpoint when they became anti-social They had terrible lives being failures in everything So they rob, steal, rape and kill They need to be told that everything that happened to this moment Has been a nightmare that they can now awake from It gives them the courage and self-esteem to make it better This is called “the reality-dream reversal” technique Those patients who seem boring, foolish, and confused Become poetic, brilliant and enthusiastic when they describe dreams This also dissolves barriers giving them more respect and care All it takes is one dream specialist, preferably a Jungian Who will teach the police, COs & MSOs Who will teach their families, gaining in respect and love As the “emotional” forensic hospitals and prisons evolve to us The “dream programs” and “the reality-dream reversal” technique They will become true healing centers As people take seriously Jung’s idea of completion And utilize the “dream programs” We will evolve to be a more caring, sharing, culture As some of the earlier cultures have been In this age of space travel and nuclear weapons It will be the “ancient awe” before dreams Which come from our “source/center” That will incredibly heal us Dissolving all barriers, ameliorate alienation and Give each of our citizen’s rightful dignity and self-esteem |