Lend me your eyes and ears I bring you good cheers Have patience, I am learning to rap You need to have a good verbal map As we grow like plants in the sun The words expand leading to fun We have ebony, the dark skin Who’s rap music our hear win Ivory are the light skin usually tan or pink Who write poetry in blue or black ink When we combine the best of both in everything We get the “new-clean” word “Eboivory” a beautiful verse to sing We need to see all things as a wonderful whole In “Eboivory” black, brown, tan, pink a friendship goal So you find yourself in the strangest place Trying to understand the human race What is weirder the outer or inner space Wherever you travel, wherever you go Just a lighter skin shade has caused our prejudices to grow It is always you observing the show So be open to all you perceive Being open to all allows you freedom to achieve You are the limits you can conceive I have done my best In this rap test It is up to you to do the rest When you can forgive you are blessed May you have a good day In this psychic word play
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