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Words can describe a thought,

Freeing us from what we fought;

Words open us to understand the universe,

Which can be reverse, converse, or transverse,

Each verse a different story—

Opening us to: history, herstory, and ourstory—

Herstory is an individual's biography;

Where herstory intersects history, we get ourstory.

Ebony are the darker skin,

Whose rap music your hearts win;

Ivory are the light skin usually tan or pink,

Who write poetry in blue or black ink.

When we combine the best of both in everything,

We get eboivorything—a beautiful verse: sing.

Some dream in black and white, some in color,

Which is an eboivory beautiful, psyche flavor.

We need to see all things as a beautiful whole—

Black, brown, tan, pink a friendship goal.

Let it be a melting pot, the various cultures ring,

As a tune of brother, sister, eboivory sing!