Sigmund Freud was a trail
Suggesting dreams were more
Nonsensical, random images,
Unfortunately he made them
mostly repressed sexuality
His student Carl Jung went
beyond him
Saying they were from a
collective unconscious leading us to self
Of the male (anima) and
female (animus) parts.
At that point we find a
beautiful balance!
Telescopes open the universe
Microscopes open the
The inner scope, is the
dreams which open the unconscious
The most curious aspect of
dreams is they speak to us in symbols
Symbols represent our
emotional response
What you feel during the day
is something
That is transformed into a
symbol in the dreams
Enblackenment is opening to
the wonderful dream/visions
Some dreams are significant
to you alone
Other symbols are part of the
collective unconscious
Symbols are used because of
blocks and perceptual filters
A picture speaks a thousand
Only you can ultimately know
what is being said
It must connect with all your
other experiences
Symbols as pictures are like
Working with symbols might be
compared to learning to play the piano
After a period of practice
your new skill
Becomes a natural flowing
easy part of your life
Think of working with symbols
as just learning another language
They are a more accurate,
more understanding
More integrative level that
enables you to
Become aware of yourself as
an interdimensional being.
Some dreams are unique to
you, giving insight to your feelings to
On a deeper analytical level
sometimes everything is the dream are you
You are the producer, writer,
actor and director
People in the dream represent
qualities within you
A house, building, store or
other structure is you with all its rooms
Any vehicle, car, plane, boat
represents the self
It is your mode of traveling
or being in the world
Water represents the
emotions, fire is purification
Air is the spiritual self and
earth the physical self
As you deal better with
people in reality your dreams improve
As your dreams improve your
relations in reality get better
By a process of circular
causation with a cumulative change
May you have wonderful
understandable dreams