Space is vast and infinite

We have begun its exploration

Having humans land on the Moon

And a vehicle on Mars

We have one conclusion

Either there is or isn’t God

Who has created the whole thing

From the time we hooked up our radio telescopes

We should have picked up radio transmissions from other life forms

Giving the infinity of time and space

There should be planets with life forms at all levels

Some ahead of us and some behind

That we haven’t heard any radio transmissions

Is a very bad sign

Either at the time they developed radio transmissions and rockets

At the same time they developed nuclear weapons

Destroying themselves so no radio transmissions occur

Or else it could be that God really created everything

With life only on Earth

Evolution would be a game that God played to confuse people

Who must make the ultimate choice about God

If we live as if there is a God and there isn’t

We lose nothing

But if we live as if there isn’t God and there is

Then we lose everything

In commemoration of space travel

Let us treat others as we would be

Whatever race, sex, age, creed, socioeconomic class

We must be open to the inner beauty of the person

So we could evolve to be a world that survives and communicates




We are opening the door to all

Who believe in dreams whether color

Or Black and White, in pictures or words

We will have dream classes for

Preschool, public schools, prisons

And “Emotional Forensic Hospitals”.  Those

Who seem dull, boring and stupid become

Poetic, enthusiastic and brilliant when they discuss dreams

All it takes is one Dream Specialist

Who teaches the guards who then will teach

The patients, prisoners who will teach their family, etc.

The sharing of dreams will dissolve

The barriers that cause alienation and loneliness

Realizing they are all part of the grand poetic dream reality

To share and care and love each other

We will evolve the clear of Scientology and to “New-Clear”

Who again believe in dreams.  Ron Hubbard,

The founder of Scientology was brilliant.  He replaced

The authority of Aristotle, Bacon, Newton opening engrams

As emotional blockages, which need to be open

Back to birth.  He said survival was our prime desire

Unable to understand Jung’s concept of completion

Or the unconscious with the conscious.  L. Ron Hubbard

Said dreams were meaningless and anyone spending

Any time with them was foolish.  He did the very thing

He did not like with earlier authority figures.  He

Blocked out 10 million Scientologists and their children

From taking dreams meaningfully.  For the benefit of the

Children let us have dream understanding classes.  The

Galahadian Institute will embrace the truth wherever it

Appears in Freud, Jung, Plato, Aristotle, Skinner and L. Ron

Hubbard’s concept of the engram…


We wish you happy, meaningful and helpful dreams since you spend one third of each day in sleep.




Words consist of letters arranged

In a special way that gives understanding!

When “New-Clear” they are consistent!

When Nuclear they have antipodal definitions

That are utterly confusing especially

To the children who try to “know” when they hear “no”,

Trying to understand the “definition” when they hear “mean”

Becoming terrified to find it is “a bad way to act”!

We make “New-Clear” words when we need to explain a new idea!

“Enblacktenment” will be a “New-Clear” word,

a pun on my ex-fiancee’s Guru from India word of enlightenment!

It is a more caring, compassionate word

Opening dreams and visions!

It will be dedicated to Barack Obama

And his campaign for all the wonderful help

In dignity and self-esteem it has given

To all darker skinned people and minorities!

It is the ultimate gift

We can give to someone who in every speech

Brings happiness and hope to all people

Whatever race, sex, color, religion, creed, socio-economic class!

We would like to see our dream class program

For preschool, public school, prisons and Forensic Hospitals

Which at the very least will help dissolve barriers & ameliorate

Alienation which is at the core of most peoples’ problems,

Fit right in with his dream of change for America giving

All its citizens equal rights in life, liberty & pursuit of happiness

He has taught us to love, respect and care for ourselves

And all our fellow citizens being a wonderful force for good






Scope is a very interesting word

Having multiple meanings for those who heard

To scope someone out we all know

Opening the telescope the universe show

The microscope opens the infinitesimal

So amoeba we can watch size optimal

These are outer scopes

Giving us insight to the galaxy evolving us from being dopes

Now we open the “New-Clear” word for the inner

“Inner-scope” will be the dreams that make us a winner

Opening the unconscious

Making us precocious

As the telescope has shown us the universe

So the “Inner-scope” opens the Momular science verse

Galileo used his telescope to see the Earth’s revolving

Around the Sun our mystery solving

He/her-story we use the “Inner-scope” to see

Thru dreams giving us magnificent our-story

May we use the “Total-scope” devises

To give us enjoyment, insight, understanding & happiness




At “Samity” it is all the same,

Whatever family, race, sex, socio-economic class you are born

You have opened all your blocks

Back to your earliest childhood memories including birth

Which now become positive

Removing the entire negative, angers, rages, hatreds!

It usually requires psychoanalysis

As you redo your psychic plumbing!

“Samity” is even greater than sanity

Where you still have resentments from childhood experiences!

All your upsets become funny!

It doesn’t matter how you were born

The pain dissolves as you review the ugly feelings,

Your very nightmare dream evolves to a beautiful one!

The very word enlightenment evolves to

“Enblacktenment” a more caring and compassionate word

Opening dreams and visions!

You will see all your dreams as culminating

In a beautiful vision which is your reality!

Some dream in color and some in black and white,

Some in words, others in pictures

Your dreams will evolve as you deal better with people,

Like a falling dream into one of flying!

In “Samity” your dreaming becomes conscious

As you realize you are in the dream

And can improve it called lucid dreaming!

“Samity” is like the circle

Which has no beginning and no end?

At “Samity” people ask

“How do I know if it is now a dream or reality itself?”!

“The New-Clear solution” is “it doesn’t matter”!

When you hear the question “dream or reality”?

Just make it better and the other will get better too!

Strive to know, understand, care and love yourself!

That is how much you can

Understand, know, love and care for others!



We have all heard of hypnotized

When a doctor swings

A piece of rope usually giving a pill

Telling us we are in their power!

An example is “we will take our jacket off

Whenever he/she touches their tie”!

The audience laughs as we

Keep taking off our jacket and then putting it on

Giving excuses that it is too hot, then too cold

As he/she touches their tie!

We will now open historized which is how people are put in a trance

By the history of the world!

Women are made to believe that only men should vote or work

At interesting mentally stimulating jobs!

The darker skin person was made to

Believe they were not as good having a slave mentality!

Both women and the yellow, red, brown, black person

Are awakening from their historization,

Teaching their children to value themselves

Developing all their mental, physical, emotional spiritual talents!

We see it on every channel we look at on the television!

There are now more dark skin basketball, football players

Than the lighter skin making million dollar salaries!

Many of our best Hollywood actors/actresses are darker skin!

Some are military leaders, business CEO’s, senators, congressmen, judges

Even running to be the President!

Ebony are the darker skin whose Rap music our heart win!

Ivory are the light skin usually tan or pink,

Who write poetry in blue or black ink!

When we combine the best in everything,

We get the “New-Clear” word “Eboivory” a new verse to sing!

Women in the western world have broken the shackles of historization

Becoming doctors, lawyers, professors, congresswomen, senators, judges

Even running for the Presidency!

They play soccer, volleyball, basketball, working on football!

Not only can they do what was man’s job and work

But they give birth to the next generation

Carrying the child for a nine month journey,

Bringing them up so they are not motherized, fatherized

Or the much more deadly historized.



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