Scope is a very interesting word
Having multiple meanings for those who heard.
To scope someone out we all know,
Opening the telescope the universe to show.
The microscope opens the infinitesimal,
So amoeba we can watch in size optimal.
There are outer scopes
Giving us insight to the galaxy evolving us from being dopes—
Now we open the new-clear word for the inner
Inner-scope will be the dreams that make us a winner;
Opening the unconscious
Making us precocious.
As the telescope has shown us the universe,
So the inner-scope opens the momular science verse.
Galileo used his telescope to see the earth's revolving
Around the sun our my-story solving.
He/her-story we use the inner-scope to see
Thru dreams giving us magnificent our-story.
May we use the total-scope devices
To give us enjoyment, insight, understanding & happiness.
Alexander Galahad