________ TO ANNE KLEIN
I was on a journey in every
Forty-on in all, sharing
poetry, explaining dream
When attached by my fiancé’s
Guru with great psychic hate
Forcing me, they said, to
take a man’s life, so everybody scream
Refrain…You were explaining
dreams and sharing poetry
Everyone loving you, wishing
you well
It opened them to their own
Giving wisdom and love swell
Poetry started writing after
a mystic experience of unity
Where headaches and backaches
Dream/visions returned from
12 years old a nightmare of enormity
All the pieces came together,
the mystery of self-solved
Told by the main professor
philosophy Cornell
I was beyond professors; to
publish my poetry, open clinics, meet Gurus
I naively went off to meet
them by myself individual
Not realizing that some of
them and their students were evil true
I have been locked up for
everything under the sun, usually innocently
So I made cases in 41 states
robbing motels in 37 states
So the entire story would be
told, the truth won
Mystically and physically my
fiancé Guru gave terrible fates
Can good be bad and bad good
Is the question everyone has
to ask
The Guru’s usually don’t
believe in dream/visions as psychic mood
They have a supernatural
genie with powers to attack and unmask
What should have been news
So my fiancé would be honest
and true
Not lying to protect here
Guru cubed and square
So all would understand the
meaning of religious crimes clue
When my dreams stopped I
hated anyone talking about them as lying
When they returned 12 years
later I was falling from an utter height
This time I fell into an ice
pond and kept punching till the ice broke
I walked carefully as 24
people appeared; I thought another fight
A sun appeared; then a
beautiful rainbow formed in the sky
They walked up, hugging,
sharing good loving care
It was a beautiful vision
replacing the worst nightmare making you cry
Giving hope and wonderful
belief, beautiful psychic air