This information file is available online at
Welcome to the Cyberdreams list!
This is an unmoderated forum, open to discussion on all aspects of dream theory and
practice. This list is sponsored by the Intuition Network and DreamGate
If you would like to post a personal dream, to invite comment from the
group, please precede the subject with a [ d: ], in order to distinguish it from other
subject threads.
Subject: d: Mary's dream 3/16
We also have a group dream every other week. We encourage you to get
involved in this fun adventure in the many delightful worlds of dreamtime!
The simple directions we use are included to help you get started are below:
Group Dream Instructions
Are you ready for another voyage to meet the Cyberdreams list in dreamtime?
All members of this list are cordially invited to join the fun! In this bi-weekly project,
we all meet in our dreams at a location, pre-determined by the host.
The location can be a real setting, or one from fiction, or from the imaginal landscape of
the host. This location is posted, in coded form, by the host, prior to the dream meeting.
It is posted under the subject:
Group Dream: Coded Dream Setting.
The dream setting is posted separately, as reading it is optional. Some like to read the
coded setting prior to dreaming, in order to program their subconscious for the group
dream experience.
For this experience, incubate the dream during the day. And at night, before sleeping,
instruct yourself and your dreambody, in your customary manner, to meet our dream group,
during dreamtime.
When you awaken, record your dream--be as detailed as possible--and post it
to the list, as soon as possible, using the Dream Form that is provided by the host. As is
customary on our list, all dream reports use the subject:
d: group dream (date).
The d: in the subject tells list members that the post contains a dream
report. If you do not remember your dream, try again on Sunday night.
Send in separate reports for each dream you have on Saturday or Sunday night. No matter
how little you recall from your dream, please participate, by picking an item, using your
intuition, from the target list, on the dream form.
Our goal is to have all dreams posted by Tuesday, so that the host may post the deciphered
dream setting on Wednesday, and an analysis of the dream reports soon thereafter. We
encourage you to join in this exciting adventure. Your involvement helps make it a
meaningful experience for us all.
See you in dreamtime!
Here is a copy of the Dream Form we use. You might
want to save a copy of this, in case you host a group dream some day. The host provides
the list
of target elements we choose from. Only one of the elements in the list is correct. That
is: it is an element of primary focus, and central to the Dream Setting.
-------- DREAM FORM --------
= NAME.........................................
= DATE OF DREAM..................................
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! S C E N E R Y !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A C T I O N !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
= DREAM REPORT (detailed, please).................
= TARGET ELEMENT.........................
(only one, you must complete this! choose from list)
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A N A L Y S I S !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
= COMMENTS AND REMARKS (briefly, everything you think
pertinent and important).........................
- OOBE (out of body experience)
Deborah Leech