Collected Dream Texts Bibliography
The following collection of dream related references from books, journals, magazines and other texts,
and has been donated to the public for the advancement of awareness of dreams and dreaming.
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Aarons, L. Evoked sleep-talking. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1970, Vol. 31, 27-40. Abel, T. Cultural patterns as they affect psychotherapeutic procedures. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1956, Vol. 10, 728-739. Abenson, M., & Findling, J. Dream treatment of urinary retention. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1972, Vol. 120, 225- 226. Ablon, S., & Mack, J. Children's dreams reconsidered. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 1980, Vol. 35, 179-217. (7404) Abram, H. The psychiatrist, the treatment of chronic renal failure, and the prolongation of life: II. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1969, Vol. 126, 157-167. Abramson, H. Reassociation of dreams. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1956, Vol. 112, 300-301. (4740) Abramson, H. Reassociation of dreams: I. Repetitive analysis of the first dream to induce regression, resolve a negative transference, and assess improvement. Journal of Asthma Research, 1971, Vol. 8, 115-150. (10942) Abramson, H. Reassociation of dreams: II. An LSD study of sexual conflicts in eczema and asthma. Journal of Asthma Research, 1976, Vol. 13, 193-233. (9969) Abt, L., & Riess, B. (Eds.). Dreams and dreaming. In Progress in clinical psychology. Vol. 8. London: Grune and Stratton, 1968. Adams, L. A new look at Freud's dream, "The breakfast ship." American Journal of Psychiatry, 1953, Vol. 110, 381-384. (5272) Adelson, E. (Ed.). Dreams in contemporary psychoanalysis. New York: The Society of Medical Psychoanalysts, 1963. Adelson, J. Creativity and the dream. Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 1960, Vol. 6, 92-97. Adelson, J. The dream as a riddle. Psychiatry,1966, Vol. 29, 306-309. (10519) Adler, A. On the interpretation of dreams. International Journal of Individual Psychology, 1936, Vol. 2, 3-16.(4044) Adler, G. Study of a dream. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1941, Vol. 19, 56-72. Adler, K. Techniques that shorten psychotherapy: Illustrated with five cases. Journal of Individual Psychology, 1972, Vol. 28, 155-168. (11536) Agrell, I-G., & Axelsson, A. The relationship between Pavor nocturnus and adenoids [Night terrors and adenoids]. Acta Paedopsychiatrica, 1972, Vol. 39, 46-53. Aichele, J. Das Tier in Traum und Phantasie der Jugendlichen [Animals in Dreams and Fantasies of Children???? check]. Zbl. Psychother., CHECK 1940, Vol. 12, 12-23. Alban, L., & Groman, W. Dreamwork in a Gestalt therapy context. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1975, Vol. 35, 147-156. (12201) Albert, I. A motivational analysis of REM sleep. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971, Vol. 31(11-B), 6917. (10063) Albert, I. & Boone, D. Dream deprivation and facilitation with hypnosis. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1975, Vol. 84, 267- 271. (4658) Albert, I., & McNeece, B. The reported sleep characteristics of mediators and nonmediators. Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society, 1974, Vol. 3, 73-74. (2342) Alexander, F. About dreams with unpleasant content. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1930, Vol. 4, 447-452. Alexander, F., & Ross, H. (Eds.). Dynamic psychiatry. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952. (5489) Alexander, F., & Visotsky, H. Psychosomatic study of a cure of asthma. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1955, Vol. 17, 470-472. Alexander, F., & Wilson, G. Quantitative dream studies: A methodological attempt at a quantitative evaluation of psychoanalytic material. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1935, Vol. 4, 371-407. Alexander, R. Contribution to the psychological understanding of pruritus ani. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1959, Vol. 21, 182-192. TRANSLATE? Allendy, Laforgue, Pichon, & Soussure. Les reves et la psychoanalyse [Dreams and psychoanalysis]. Paris: Maloine, 1926. Alliez, J., & Antonelli, H. Les reves de bataille: Aspects cliniques et pathogenique a propos de deux observations, dont l'une tres prolongee [Battle dreams: Clinical and pathogenic apsects according to two observations, one of which is very prolonged]. Annales Medico-Psychologiques, 1968, Vol. 1, 505- 538. Their trsl OK? (10110) Altman, L. The dream in psychoanalysis. New York: International University Press, 1969. (3328) Altshuler, K. Comments on recent sleep research related to psychoanalytic theory. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1966, Vol. 15, 235-239. (12438) Altshuler, K., Barad, M., & Goldfarb, A. A survey of dreams in the aged: II. Noninstitutionalized subjects. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1963, Vol. 8, 33-37. (2483) Amana, A. (sp?) Der Traum als diagnostischer und therapeutischer Faktor [The dream as a diagnostic and therapeutic factor]. In J. Wheelwright (Ed.), The reality of the psyche: Proceedings of the Third International Congress for Analytical Psychology. (See 43:5) 85-97. (7057) FORMAT--pages in paren,add publisher. Amanat, E. Contents of day and night dreams of emotionally disturbed adolescents. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 1974, Vol. 4, 157-167. (1324) Ammon, G. Dynamics of the dream and of reality in the psychoanalytic treatment of schizophrenia. Revue Francaise de Psychoanalyse, 197l, Vol. 35, 1047-1058. (7741) Ammon, G. Dream as a function of ego and group dynamics. Dynamische Psychiatrie, 1973, Vol. 6, 145-164. (9085) Anders, T. An overview of recent sleep and dream research. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Science, 1974, Vol. 3, 449-469. (10391) Anders, T., Emde, R., & Parrmelee, A. A manual of standardized terminology, techniques and criteria for scoring states of sleep and wakefulness in newborn infant. Brain Information Service, BRI Publications Office, 197l. Anderson, B. Adaptive aspects of culture shock. American Anthropologist, 1971, Vol. 73, 1121-1125. (10695) Anderson, J. The dream as a re-conditioning process. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1927, Vol. 22, 21-25. (1989) Andersson, A., Johansson, A., Karlsson, B., & Ohlsson, M. On self-nonself interaction in early childhood as revealed by the spiral aftereffect duration. Psychological Research Bulletin, 1969, Vol. 9. (8143) Andrews, G. Studies of the dream consciousness, American Journal of Psychology, 1900, Vol. 12, 131-134. Anish, S. The relationship of dream recall to defensive mode. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1970, Vol. 30(10-B), 4784. (20945) Anonymous. Aspects of dream life: The contribution of a woman. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1915, Vol. 10, 100-119. Anonymous. Dream and reality: A religio-psychological fantasy. London: Rider, 1929. Anonymous. Nightmares. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1960, Vol. 173, 1871 Antrobus, John. The dream as metaphor: An information-processing and learning model. Journal of Mental Imagery,, 1977, Vol. 327-337. (10990) Antrobus, Judith. Patterns of dreaming and dream recall. Dissertation Abstracts, 1963, Vol. 24(2), 829. Antrobus, John, Arkin, A., & Toth, M. The effects of REM period deprivation on sleep mentation. Psychophysiology, 1970, Vol. 7, 332. Antrobus, Judith, Antrobus, John, & Fisher, C. Discrimination of dreaming and nondreaming sleep. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1965, Vol. 12, 395-401. (9254) Antrobus, Judith, Dement, W., & Fisher, C. Patterns of dreaming and dream recall: An EEG study. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1964, Vol. 69, 341-344. (4104) Appia, O. Apport d'un materiel onirique a la psychotherapie par l'utilisation du 4 hydroxybutyrate de sodium [Contribution of oneric material to psychotherapy by the use of sodium 4- hydroxybutyrate]. Agressologie, 1967. Vol. 8, 577-582. (5515) Archer, W. On dreams. London: Methuen, 1935. Archer, W. "Hypnogogic illusions," or dozing-off dreams. In R. Woods (Ed.), The World of Dreams. New York: Random House, 1947. Archibald, H. Therapy group as dream content. Group Psychother., 1954, Vol. 7, 146-147. Arey, L. Clinical state and sleep-dream patterns in reactive schizophrenics. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Palo Alto, March 1964. Arey, L. Reference to the experimental situation in the first night dreams of acute reactive schizophrenics, chronic schizophrenics, and neurotics. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Washington, March 1965. Arey, L. First night dreams of normals, neurotics, and three groups of schizophrenics. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Gainesville, FL, March 1966. Arkin, A. Sleep-talking: A review. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 143, 101-122. Year?? Arkin, A. Night-terrors as anomalous REM sleep component manifestation in slow-wave sleep. Waking and Sleeping, 1978, Vol. 2, 143-147. (11923) Arkin, A., Antrobus, John, & Ellman, S. (Eds.). The mind in sleep: Psychology and psychophysiology. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum, 1978. (283) Arkin, A., Antrobus, John, Toth, M., & Baker, J. The effects of chemically induced NREM deprivation on sleep vocalization and NREM mentation: An initial exploration. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 217. (13594) Arkin, A., Antrobus, John, Toth, M., Baker, J., & Jackler, F. A comparison of the content of mentation reports elicited after nonrapid eye movement (NREM) associated sleep utterance and NREM "silent" sleep. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, Vol. 155, 427-435. Arkin, A., Hastey, J., & Reiser, M. Dialogue between sleep- talkers and the experimenter. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Gainesville, FL, March 1966. Arkin, A., Hastey, J., & Reiser, M. Post-hypnotically stimulated sleep-talking. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1966, Vol. 142, 293-309. (12838) Arkin, A., Toth, M., Baker, J., & Hastey, J. The degree of concordance between the content of sleep talking and mentation recalled in wakefulness. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1970, Vol. 15l, 375-393. (2179) Arkin, A., Toth, M., Baker, J., & Hastey, J. The frequency of sleep talking in the laboratory among chronic sleep talkers and good dream recallers. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1970, Vol. 151, 369-374. (2180) Arkin, A., Toth, M., & Ezrachi, O. Electrographic Aspects of Sleep-Talking. Psychophysiology, 1970, Vol. 7, 354. Arnheim, D. Therapist influence on patient dream reports or is dream interpretation valid and necessary? Dissertation Abstracts International, 1974, Vol. 35(4-B), 1899. Arnold-Foster, M. tudies in dreams. New York: Macmillan, 1921. Arntzen, F. Geistige Fahigkeiten im Traum [Mental abilities in dreams]. Ber. Forsch. Stell. Psychodiagn., 1946, No. 6. (770) What vol. and page? Arons, B. First reported dreams in psychoanalytic group psychotherapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1978, Vol. 32, 544-551. (4071) Artemidorus. The interpretation of dreams: The oneirocritica of Artemidorus (R. White, Transl.). Park Ridge, NJ: Noyes Classical Studies, 1975. Aserinsky, E. Ocular motility during sleep and its application to the study of rest-activity cycles and dreaming. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, 1954. Aserinsky, E., & Kleitman, N. Regularly occurring periods of eye motility and concomitant phenomena during sleep. Science, 1953, Vol. 118, 273-274. Aserinsky, E., & Kleitman, N. Two types of ocular motility occurring in sleep. J. Appl. Physiol., 1955, Vol. 8, 1-10. Astor, M. Transpersonal approaches to counseling. Personnel and Guidance Journal, 1972, Vol. 50, 801-808. (9355) Astrachan, G. The structure of dreams in schizophrenia. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1978, Vol. 39(4-B), 1942. Astrazaturov, M. SP OK? A survey of modern doctrines of dream symbolism and their diagnostic value (Russian). STYLE? Sovetskaya Vrach. Gaz., 1935, Vol. 1. SP?? Atwan, R. The interpretation of dreams, the origin of consciousness, and the birth of tragedy. Research Communications in Psychology, Psychiatry and Behavior, 1981, Vol. 6, 163-182. (7144) Auld, F., Goldenberg, G., & Weiss, J. Measurement of primary- process thinking in dream reports. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1968, Vol. 8, 418-426. (8249) Austin, M. Dream recall and the bias of intellectual ability. Nature, 1971, Vol. 231, 59-60. Ayer, A. Professor Malcolm on dreams. Journal of Philosophy, 1960, Vol. 57, 517-535.Dream Bibliography (B)
Baat, W. The prospective resolution of ambivalence in ancient dream interpretation and theory. Jb. Pschol. Psycho-therapy, 1958, Vol. 5, 140-148. Bach, S., & Schwartz, L. A dream of the Marquis de Sade: Psychoanalytic reflections on narcissistic trauma, decompensation, and the reconstitution of delusional self. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1972, Vol. 20, 451-475. (7076) Badawi, N. Loss of teeth in dreams. Egypt. J. Psychol., 1952- 53, Vol. 8, 197-210.. (502) Baekeland, F. Correlates of home dream recall: Reported home sleep characteristics and home dream recall. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1969, Vol. 10, 482-491. (3381) Baekeland, F. Dreams with laboratory references: Effects of cognitive style and time of night. Psychophysiology, 1969, Vol. 6, 251. Baekeland, F. Correlates of home dream recall: I. REM sleep in the laboratory as a predictor of home dream recall. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1970, Vol. 150, 209-214. (7324) Baekeland, F. Laboratory studies of effects of presleep events on sleep and dreams. International Psychiatry Clinics, 1970, Vol. 7, 49-58. (1612) Baekeland, F. Effects of presleep procedures and cognitive style on dream content. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1971, Vol. 32, 63-69. (2181) Baekeland, F., & Hartmann, E. Reported sleep characteristics: Effects of age, sleep length and psychiatric impairment. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1971, Vol. 12, 141-147. (7185) Baekeland, F., & Lasky, R. The morning recall of rapid eye movement period reports given earlier in the night. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1968, Vol. 147, 570-579. (13596) Baekeland, F., Resch, R., & Katz, D. Presleep mentation and dream reports: I. Cognitive style, contiguity to sleep, and time of night. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1969, Vol. 19, 300-311. (3398) Bagby, E. Dreams during periods of emotional stress. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1930, Vol. 25, 289-292. (2700) Bahnson, C., & Bahnson, M. Role of the ego defenses: Denial and repression in the etiology of malignant neoplasm. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1966, Vol. 125, 817-845. Baker, Sheldon. Relation of locus of control to escapism. Psychological Reports, 1971, Vol. 29, 313-314. (2963) Baker, Sidney. Language and dreams. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1950, Vol. 31, 171-178. (3106) Baldridge, B. Physical concomitants of dreaming and the effect of stimulation on dreams. Ohio State Medical Journal, 1966, Vol. 62, 1273-1275. (2660) Baldridge, B. The orienting response in relation to preawakening awareness and during dreaming. Czechoslovakia Academy of Science. Publishing House of the Slovak Academy of Sciences Brotislava, SP? Mechanisms of Orienting Reaction in Man, I. Ruttkay-Nedecky, L. Coganek, V. Zchmund, & E. Kellerova (Eds.), 1967. STYLE? Check handwriting. Baldridge, B., Kramer, M., Whitman, R., & Ornstein, P. Smoking and dreams. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 4, 372-373. (14828) Baldridge, B. (in press). Discussion of the paper "The Physiol- ogy of Dreaming." In M. Kramer (Ed.), Dream psychology and the new biology of dreaming. Ft. Lauderdale: C. C. Thomas. Baldridge, B., Whitman, R., & Kramer, M. A comparison of variability of some physiological functions during dreaming while telling the dream and during dream playback. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Chicago, 1962. Baldridge, B., Whitman, R., Kramer, M., Ornstein, P., & Lansky, L. The effect of external physical stimuli on dream content. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Washington, 1965. Baldridge, B., Whitman, R., Kramer, M., & Ornstein, P. The effect of induced eye movements on dreaming. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 230. (13597) Baldridge, B., Whitman, R., Kramer, M., & Ornstein, P. Univers- ity of Cincinnati dream scales. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 223. (13598) Balint, M. The regressed patient and his analyst. Psychiatry, 1960, Vol. 23, 231-243. Bandure, L. Marzenia senne jencow wojennych [The dreams of prisoners of war]. Kwart. Psychol., 1948, Vol. 14, 1-42, 196-197. Banuelos, M. Patologia y clinica del sueno y estados afines. [Pathology and clinical study of the dream and related states]. Barcelona: Editorial Cientifico-Medica, 1940. (981) Barad, M., Altshuler, K., Goldfard, A. A survey of dreams in aged persons. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1961, Vol. 4, 419-424. Barahal, H. The obstacle motif as a typical dream experience. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1951, Vol. 25, 38-54. (2802) Barahal, H. Female transvestism and homosexuality. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1953, Vol. 27, 390-438. Barahal, H. A psychoanalytic approach to schizophrenic anxiety. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1958, Vol. 32, 85-93. Barahal, H. Dream structure and intellect. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1963, Vol. 10, 660-666. Barahal, H. Auto-interpretation of dreams and art productions, hypnoanalysis of a case of amnesia. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1967, Vol. 41, 607-630. (2495) Barajas, C. Analyse d'un reve apporte au debut d'un traitement. [Analysis of a dream submitted at the beginning of treatment]. Revue Francaise de Psychanalyse, 1957, Vol.21, 5-21. (2939) Barber, B. Toward a theory of "hypnotic" behavior: The "hypnot- ically induced dream." Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1962, Vol. 135, 206-221. (5213) Barber, B. Factors underlying individual differences in rate of dream reporting, Dissertation Abstracts International, 1969, Vol. 30(3-B), 1351. Barber, T., Walker, P., & Hahn, K. Effects of hypnotic induction and suggestions on nocturnal dreaming and thinking. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1973, Vol. 82, 414-427. (8538) Baron, J. Effects of the menstrual cycle on manifest content and affect in dream reports. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1976, Vol. 36(10-B), 5223. (2644) ALSO A G ENTRY Barrett, D. The hypnotic dream: Its relation to nocturnal dreams and waking fantasies. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1979, Vol. 88, 584-591. (284) Bartemier, L. Illness following dreams. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1949, Vol. 30, 193. Basch, M. Theory formation in Chapter VII: A critique. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1976, Vol. 24, 61- 100. (6361) Bash, K. Zur experimentellen Grundlegung der Jungschen Traumanalyse [On the laying of an experimental foundation of Jung's dream analysis]. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fur Psycholo- gie und ihre Anwendungen, 1952, Vol11, 282-295. (6384) Bash, K. Descensus ad inferos. Aus der Analyse eines Falles von Schizophrenie mit katamnestischen Angaben [The descent into hell: From the analysis of a case of schizophrenia with followup notes]. Psyche, Heidel., 1957, Vol.11, 505-525. (4331) Bastide, R. Reves des noirs [Dreams of Negroes]. Psyche, 1950, Vol. 49, 802-811. (3712) Bastide, R. The sociology of the dream. In G. Von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream and human societies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Bastos, O. Dream activity in depressive states. Evolution Psychiatrique, 1964, Vol. 28, 101-127. Bastos, O., & Suerinck, E. Les reves des maniaques [Dreams of maniacs]. Evolution Psychiatrique, 1963, Vol. 28, 129-137. (1341) Baudouin, C. Introduction a l'analyse des reves [Introduction to the analysis of dreams]. Geneva: Collection Action et Pensee, 1945. (3592) Baudry, F. Remarks on spoken words in the dream. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1974, Vol. 43, 581-605. (12255) Bauer, S. Nothing to worry about: A clinical note on examination anxiety. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1978, Vol. 47, 606-613. (7677) Baumann, H. Series formation & rhythm in dream motifs. Zbl. Psychother., 1936, Vol. 9, 213-228. STYLE - has for. title. uber.? Baust, W. Physiologie und Pathophysiologie des Schlafes und physiologische Korrelates des Traumes [Physiology and pathophys- iology of sleep and physiological correlates of dreaming]. Forum Psychiat., 1967, Vol. 18, 1-20. Baynes, H. The importance of dream analysis for psychological development. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1936, Vol. 16, 105-129. Baynes, H. Mythology of the soul. A research into the unconsci- ous from schizophrenic dreams and drawings. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins, 1940. Beavers, T. A note on the function of dreams. Psychology, 1973, Vol. 10, 31-32. (9087) Beck, A., & Hurvich, M. Psychological correlates of depression: I. Frequency of "masochistic" dream content in a private practice sample. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1959, Vol. 21, 50-55. Beck, A., & Ward, C. Dreams of depressed patients: Characteri- stic themes in manifest content. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1961, Vol. 5, 462-467. (4IJ62B) Beck, H. Dream analysis in family therapy. Clinical Social Work Journal, 1977, Vol. 5, 53-57. (13796) Becker, B. The obese patient in group psychoanalysis. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1960, Vol. 14, 322-337. Becker, R., & Dufresne, R. Perceptual changes with bupropion, a novel antidepressant. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1928, Vol. 139, 1200-1201. (1592) Beickel, S. A study of relationship between Jung's typology and dreams. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1978, Vol. 39 (1-B), 352-353. (12673) Beigel, H. Mental processes during the production of dreams. Journal of Psychology, 1959, Vol. 47. 171-187. Beiser, H. Children's dreams--What they mean: How parents should react to them. Today's Health, 1973, 34-71. Beit-Hallahmi, B. Developing the prison fantasy questionnaire (PFQ), Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1972, Vol. 28, 551-554. (3399) Beit-Hallahmi, B. Sexual and aggressive fantasies in violent and non-violent prison inmates. No date or source. Beitman, B., & Carlin, A. Night terrors treated with imipramine. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1979, Vol. 136, 1087-1088. (11525) Belaval, J. Sur la vitesse de la pensee [On the speed of though- t]. Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique, 1936, Vol. 33, 584-597. (2182) Belaval, J. A propos du reve de Maury guillotine [About Maury's dream of being guillotined]. Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique, 1936, Vol. 33, 124-130. (4444) Belcher, M., Bone, R., & Walker, T. The relationship of various components of Zuckermann's sensation seeking scale to dream report ratings. Read by title only at the annual meeting of the APSS, Lake Minnewaska, NY, May 1972. Belcher, M., & Bone, R. The relationship of dream report ratings to field independence and rigidity. Paper read by title only at the annual meeting of the APSS, Lake Minnewaska, NY, May 1972. Belcher, M., Montgomery, D., & Bone, R. Rigidity and dream recall. Psychological Reports, l972, Vol. 30, 858. (2443) Belicki, K., & Bowers, P. The role of demand characteristics and hypnotic ability in dream change following a presleep instruction, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1982, Vol. 91, 426-432. (4959) Bell, A. Male anxiety during sleep. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1975, Vol. 56, 455-464. (4019) Bell, A., & Stroebel, C. The scrotal sac and testes during sleep: Physiological correlates and mental content. lst European Congress on Sleep Research, Basel, 1972. Bell, W. Proust's nocturnal muse: Dreams. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 21(9), 2710. Bellamy, R. The analysis of a nightmare. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1915, Vol. 10, 11-18. Bellamy, R. An act of everyday life treated as a pretended dream and interpreted by psychoanalysis. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1915, Vol. 10, 32-45. Bellwald, K. Kindertraume als diagnostische Indices [Children's dreams as diagnostic devices]. Heilpadagogische Werkblatter, 1953, Vol. 22, 249-251. (4305) Beloff, J. A note on an ostensibly precognitive dream. Journal of the Society for Psychical Research, 1973, Vol. 47, 217-221. (90) Belvedere, E., & Foulkes, D. Telepathy and dreams: A failure to replicate. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1971, Vol. 33, 783- 789. (139) Bender, H. The Gotenhafen case of correspondence between dreams and future events: A study of motivation. International Journal of Neuropsychiatry, 1966, Vol. 2, 398-407. (4835) Benedek, T. Psychoanalytic investigations: Selected papers. New York: Quadrangle, 1973. Benedek, T., Ham. G., Robbins, F., & Rubenstein, B. Some emotional factors in infertility. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1953, Vol. 15, 485-498. Benedetti, G. Function of dreams in mental economy. Sleep 1974, 2nd European Congress Sleep Res., Rome, 1974. Benedetti, G. [Relationships in psychosis and in psychotherapy of psychotic patients.] (Ger.) Zeitschrift fur Psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalyse, 1979, Vol. 25, 354-362. (3671) Benedict, R. The concept of the guardian spirit in North America. Memoirs of the American Anthropological Association, 1923, Vol. 29. Ben-Horin, P. The manifestation of some basic personality dimensions in wakefulness, fantasy and dreams. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, 1967. Benson, D., & Greenberg, J. Visual form agnosia. A specific defect in visual discrimination. Archives of Neurology (Chicago), 1969, Vol. 20, 82-89. Benson, P., & Spilka, B. Cultural value reference among Oglala Sioux Chidren. Paper presented at the meeting of the Rocky Mountain Psychological Association, Denver, COL, May 14, 1971 Bentley, M. The study of dreams: A method adapted to the seminary. American Journal of Psychology, 1915, Vol. 26. Berent, I. Original sin: "I didn't mean to hurt you, mother": A basic fantasy epitomized by a male homosexual. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1973, Vol. 21, 262- 284. (9764) Berger, D. Neurophysiological findings concerning sleep and psychoanalytic theory. Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 1971, Vol. 16, 295-304. Berger, L., Hunter, I. & Lane, R. The effect of stress on dreams. New York: International Universities Press, 1971. Berger, R. Experimental modification of dream content by meaningful verbal stimuli. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1963, Vol. 109, 722-740. (8757) Berger, R. When is a dream is a dream is a dream? Experimental Neurology, 1967 (Suppl. 4), 15-27. (4714) SUPPL Ok?? Vol.? Add Clements citation? Berger, R., Olley, P., & Oswald, I. The EEG, eye-movements and dreams of the blind. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1962, Vol. 14, 183-186. (5250) Berger, R., & Oswald, I. Eye movements during active and passive dreams. Science, 1962, Vol. 137, 60l. Berggren, R. The function of REM sleep for the oculomotor system, Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971, Vol. 31 (11-B), 6918. Bergin, A. A note on dream changes following desensitization. Behavior Therapy, 1970, Vol. 1, 546-549 (9055). Bergler, E. Four typical dreams indicating progress during analysis, Samiksa???unclear 1951, Vol. 4, 190-199. Bergmann, M. The intrapsychic and communicative aspects of the dream: Their role in psycho-analysis and psychotherapy. Interna- tional Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1966, Vol. 47, 356-363. Bergmann, M. Free association and interpretation of dreams: Historical and methodological considerations. In E. F. Hammer (Ed.), Use of interpretation in treatment: Treatment and art. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1968. Check extra info. Bergson, H. The world of dreams. New York: Philosophical Library, 1958. Bernabeu, E. The effects of severe crippling on the development of a group of children. Psychiatry, 1958, Vol. 21, 169-194. Bernstein, I. Dreams and masturbation in an adolescent boy. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1962, Vol. 10, 289-302. (6875) Bernstein, I., & Fine, B. The manifest content of the dream. Monograph Series of the Kris Study Group of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute, 1969, Vol. 3, 58-113. (3796) Bernuth, H. Von, & Janssen, G. Behavioural changes in fotother- apy. Neuropaediatrie, 1974, Vol. 5, 369-375. Berrien, F. Recall of dreams during the sleep period. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1930, Vol. 25, 110-114. (1853) Berrien, F. A statistical study of dreams in relation to emotional stability. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1933, Vol. 28, 194-197. (2561) Berrien, F A study of objective dream activity in abnormal children. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1935, Vol. 30, 84-91. (5672) Berry, P. Defense and telos in dreams. Spring, 1978, Vol. ?, 115-127. (3634) Berry, P. An approach to the dream, Spring, 1974, Vol. ?, 58-79. (9669) Bertini, M., De Martin Gregolini, H., & Bellagamba, A. Studi psicofisiologici e di personalita sui processi di elaborazione simbolica di materiale filmico in condizioni ipnagogicosmili. (TRANS??) In Psicofisiologia Del Sonno E Del Sogno (Proceedings of an international symposium in Rome, 1967). Milano: Vita e Pensiero Milano. p. 92-113.STYLE?? Bertini, M., Lewis, B., & Witkin, H. 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CHECK letter title. Cohen, B. Uber Traumdeutung in der judischen Tradition [Interpretation of dreams in the Jewish tradition]. Imago, 1932, Vol 18, 117-121. (Add abstract reference?) Cohen, D. Relation of anxiety level and defense style to frequency of dream recall estimated by different methods. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 224. (13612) Cohen, D. Frequency of dream recall: Estimated by three methods and related to defense preference and anxiety. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1969, Vol. 33, 661-667. (3602) Cohen, D. Validity of dream report collection via non-laboratory sleep interruption. Psychophysiology,1969, Vol. 6, 251. Cohen, D. Current research on the frequency of dream recall. Psychological Bulletin, 1970, Vol. 73 (?), 433-440. Cohen D. Dream recall and short-term memory. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1971, Vol. 33, 867-871. (141) Cohen, D. Dream recall and total sleep time. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1972, Vol. 34, 456-458. (8217) Cohen, D. Failure to recall dream content: Contentless vs. dreamless reports. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1972, Vol. 34, 1001-1002. Cohen, D. Presleep experience and home dream reporting: An exploratory study. Journal of Consultingand Clinical Psychology, 1972, Vol. 38, 122-128. (4132) Cohen, D. A comparison of genetic and social contributions to dream recall frequency. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1973, Vol. 82, 368-371. (7131) Cohen, D. The purpose of dreaming. New Scientist, 1973, Vol. 57, 602-604. Cohen, D. Sex role orientation and dream recall. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1973, Vol. 82, 246-252. (7132) Cohen, D. Effect of personality and presleep mood on dream recall. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1974, Vol. 83, 151- 156. (10151) Cohen, D. Presleep mood and dream recall. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1974, Vol. 83, 45-51. (6775) Cohen, D. To sleep perchance to recall a dream: Repression is not the demon who conceals and hoards our forgotten dreams. Psychology Today, 1974, Vol. 7, 50-54. (10152) Cohen, D. Toward a new theory of dream recall. Psychological Bulletin, 1974, Vol. 81, 138-154. (2428) Cohen, D. Changes in REM content during the night: Implications for a hypothesis about changes in cerebral dominance across REM periods. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1977, Vol. 44, 1267-1277. (11676) Cohen, D. Neuroticism and dreaming sleep: A case for interactionism in personality research. British Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 1977, Vol. 16, 153-163. (11602) Cohen, D., & Cox, C. Neuroticism in the sleep laboratory: Implications for representational and adaptive properties of dreaming. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1975, Vol. 84, 91- 108. (8990) Cohen, D., & MacNeilage, P. A test of the salience hypothesis of dream recall. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1974, Vol. 42, 699-703. (2375) Cohen, D., & Wolfe, G. Dream recall and repression: Evidence of an alternative hypothesis. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1973, Vol. 41, 349-355. (9092) Cohen, H., DiBianco, P., Fecci, A., & Shapiro, A. Physiological charateristics of pre-REM and post-REM sleep as compared with "typical" REM and NREM patterns. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 4, 362. (14831) Cohen, J. A new scale for measuring primary process cognition in manifest dreams. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1974, Vol. 35(6-B), 3055. (8109) (Add Psyc Abstracts?) Cohn J. A new scale for measuring primary process cognition in manifest dreams. Dissertations Abstracts International, 1974 ( ), Vol. 35, 3055. Colby, K. Sex differences in dreams of primitive tribes. American Anthropologist?, 1963, Vol. 65, 1116-1122. (3665) Coleman, A. Psychological state during first pregnancy. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1969, Vol. 390, 788-797. Collins, G. Dreaming and adaptation to stress. Dissertations Abstracts, 1967, Vol. 27(11-B), 4119. (16155) Collins, G., Davidson, L., & Breger, L. (sp Breger? The function of dreams in adaptation to threat: A preliminary study. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Santa Monica, CA, 1967. Combes, M. Le reve et la personnalite [The dream and the personality]. Paris: Boivin, 1932. (3912) Comly, H. Successful treatment of night terrors. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1975, Vol. 132, 761. Connor, G., & Boblitt, E. Reported frequency of dream recall as a function of intelligence and various personality test factors. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1970, Vol. 26, 438- 439. (4235) Conover, S. On sleep and dreams, their effects on the faculties of the mind and the causes of dreams. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1791. Constable, F. Myself and dreams. New York, 1919. NO PUB. Cook, C., & Butler, J. Short skirts and symbolism. Corrective Psychiatry and Journal of Social Therapy, 1968, Vol. 14, 103-105. (1851) Cook, T. A case of abnormal reproduction during sleep. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1934-35, Vol. 29, 465-470. Cook, W. Nomothetic personality patterns in dream narratives. Doctoral dissertation. UNPUBLISHED? 1956. Coriat, I. The meaning of dreams. (Mind and Health Series. Style? vol.?) Boston: Little, Brown, 1915. Ital ok? Coriaty, I. (?) Hermaphroditic dreams, Psychoanalytic Review, Vol. 4, 388-392. (Add In Woods, The world of dreams?) Corning, J. The uses of musical vibrations before and during sleep. Medical Record, 1899, Vol. LV (TRSL), 79-86. Corrie, J. A personal experience of the night journey under the sea. British Journal of Medical Psychology. 1922, Vol. 2, 303- 312. Corriere, R. The transformation of dreams. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1975, Vol. 35(11-B), 5636. (13158) Corriere, R. Toward a new theory of dreaming. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1977, Vol. 33, 807-820. (2405) Corriere, R. Application of the Process Scoring System to waking, dream and therapy reports. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1978, Vol. 34, 700-706. (2581) Corriere, R., & Hart, J. The dream makers: Discovering your breakthrough dreams. New York: Fuck (Funk?) & Wagnalls, 1977. (4954) Cory, T. Objective factors in dream recall. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1974, Vol. 35(2-B), 1042. (9047) Cory, T., Ormiston, D., Slimmel, E., & Dainoff, M. Predicting the frequency of dream recall. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1975, Vol. 84, 261-266. (4663) Costa, A. Sopgni di fanciulli ciechi e semiveggenti [Dreams of children who are totally and partially blind]. Riv. Psicol., 1937, Vol. 33, 44-51. (5072) IS THIS RIV. PSICOL.SOC.? Cottagegasse, E. Zum Angsttraum des nervosen Kindes [Nightmares of nervous children]. Vienna: Mat. Med. Nordmark, 1964. (3645) Is this right??? Cotter, H. Dreaming, drawing and the dream screen in the psychoanalysis of a two-and-a-half year-old boy. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1966, Vol. 122 (Suppl.), 37-45. (512) Craig, K. The fabric of dreams: Dream lore and dream interpretation, ancient and modern. London: Paul, 1920. Crapanzano, V. Saints, jnun, and dreams: An essay in Moroccan ethnopsychology. Psychiatry, 1975, Vol. 38, 145-159. (ALSO PSYCH ABST) jnun on card. Crenshaw, H. Retaliation dreams. Psychoanalytic Review, 1916, Vol. 3, 391-393. Title of Rev.OK? Crenshaw, H. Dream interpretation. N. Y. Medical J., 1919, XCIX, 15. (Fix Numerals and title) Cubberly, A. The effects of tensions of the body surface upon the normal dream. British Journal of Psychology, 1923, Vol. 13, 243-246. Cutting, M. Jr. What dreaming means to you. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1927.Dream Bibliography (D)
D., G. The origin of nightmare. Science, 1899, Vol. 9, 455. D'Agata, G. Disturbe del sonno e modificazioni dell'attivita onirica in patologia mentale [Sleep disturbances and changes in dreaming activity in mental disease]. (English summary.) Rass. Stud. Psichiat., 1969, Vol. 58, 229-243. D'Alessandro, A. An historical review of "Die Symbolik des Traumes": Chapters 1-V1. Psychiatric Quarterly Supplement, 1968, Vol. 42, 337-343. (1981) Dallet, J. Theories of dream function. Psychological Bulletin, 1973, Vol. 79, 408-416. (11335) Dallet, J. The effect of sensory and social variables on the recalled dream: Complementarity, continuity, and compensation. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1974, Vol. 34(11-B), 5705-5706. (175) Daly, C. Numbers in dreams. International Journal of Psycho- analysis, 1921, Vol. 2, 68-70. Daly, K. Dream and the problem of consciousness. Journal of General Psychology, Provincetown, 1974, Vol. 37, 15-24. Damstra, M. Telepathic mechanisms in dreams. 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Dream interpretation as a projective technique. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1949, Vol. 13, 416-420. (2914) De Barn-Ferreira, M. [Psychological approach to the remembrance of dreaming.] (Fr.) Evolution Psychiatrique, 1972, Vol. 37, 385- 406. (9253) De Benedetto, F. Spunti di onirologia nei bambini malati [Some considerations on the dreams of sick children]. Rass. Clin. Ter., 1956, Vol. 55, 121-134. (1509). Deichsel, G. Personality variables and dream contents. In U. Jovanovic (Ed.), The nature of sleep. Stuttgart: Fischer, 1973. Deily, A. Syntactic and semantic performance of congenitally- deaf and normally-hearing subjects on a sentence recall task. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1977, Vol. 38, 873. (7710) Add Vol. second number. De Koninck, J., Dreams and the mastery of stress. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1973, Vol. 34,(11-J), 5707. De Koninck, J., & Koulack, D. Dream content and adaptation to a stressful situation. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1975, Vol. 84, 250-260. (4614) Delacroix, H. Le temps et les souvenirs. Le reve et la reverie. Nouveau traite de psychologie, Tome V, fasicule 4 [Time and memories. Dreams and reverie. New treatise on psychology, Vol. 5, Part 4]. Paris: Alcan, 1936. (598) Delage, Y. Dreams in modern literature. Rev. Phil., 1916, Vol. 81, 209-274. De La Pena, A. The psycho-biological role of the rapid eye movement dream state. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971, Vol. 32(3-B), 1871. (4058) Delehanty, R. The role of Jung's compensatory function in dreams of extraverts and introverts. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1977, Vol. 38(1-B), 352. (7491) DeMartino, M. Sex differences in the dreams of southern college students. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1953, Vol. 9, 199-201. DeMartino, M. Some characteristics of the manifest dream content of mental defectives. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1954, Vol. 10, 175-178. DeMartino, M. (Ed.). Dreams and personality dynamics. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas, 1959. DeMartino, M. A review of the literature on children's dreams. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1955, Vol. 29 (Suppl.), 90-101. Is Suppl. correctly placed? Full citation: In M. DeMartino (Ed.), Dreams and personality dynamics. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas, 1959, pp. 87-96. Dement, W. Dream recall and eye movements during sleep in schizophrenics and normals. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1955, Vol. 122, 263-269. Dement, W. The physiology of dreaming (Doctoral dissertation, University of Chicago, 1958). NOTE: Always in Ph.D. dissertations format depends on information I don't have here; cf. Is dissertation published; is it on microfilm? Dement, W. The effect of dream deprivation. Science, 1960, Vol. 131, 1705-1707. Dement, W. The effects of dream deprivation. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1961, Vol. 23, 84. Dement, W. The dreams of the experimental subject. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, New York, March 1963. Dement, W. An essay on dreams. The role of physiology in understanding their nature. In F. Barron (Ed.), New Directions in Psychology, (Vol. 2?) New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1965. Dement, W. Perception during sleep. In P. Hoch(?) & J. Zubin (Eds.), Psychopathology of Perception. New York: Grune and Strattron, 1965. Dement, W. The psychophysiology of dreaming. In G. Von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream and human societies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Dement, W. Psychophysiology of sleep and dreams. In S. Arieti (Ed.), American Handbook of Psychiatry (Vol. 3). New York: Basic Books, 1966. Dement, W. Toward an evolutionary theory of dreaming: Discussion. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1966, Vol. 123, 136-142. Dement, W. Possible physiological determinants of a possible dream-intensity cycle. Experimental Neurology, 1967 (Suppl. 4), 38-55. (4717) Dement, W. Some must watch while some must sleep. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman, 1974, Vol. 13, 148. WHAT IS IT? (6707) Dement, W., & Fisher, C. The effect of dream deprivation and stress: An experimental demonstration of the necessity for dreaming. Paper presented at the meeting of the New York Psychoanalytic Society, March 1960. (??Abstract: Solom?n, I. The Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1960, Vol. 29, 607-608.) Dement, W., & Fisher, C. Studies in dream deprivation and satiation: An experimental demonstration of the necessity for dreaming. Paper presented at Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis, 1960, Vol. 10, 30-33. PRESENTED OR IN BULLETIN???? something's wrong. Dement, W., Kahn, E., & Roffwarg, H. The influence of the laboratory situation on the dreams of the experimental subject. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1965, Vol. 140, 119- 131. (13649) Dement, W, & Kleitman, N. Cyclic variations in EEG during sleep and their relation to eye movements, body motility, and dreaming. EEG Clin. Neurophysiol., 1957, Vol. 9, 673-690. Dement, W., & Kleitman, N. The relation of eye movements during sleep to dream activity: An objective method for the study of dreaming. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1957, Vol. 53, 339-346. (5197) Dement, W., & Wolpert, E. The relation of eye movements, body motility, and external stimuli to dream content. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1958, Vol. 55, 543-553. Dement, W., & Wolpert, E. Relationships in the manifest content of dreams occurring on the same night. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1958, Vol. 126, 568-578. Derbolowsky, U. Three-stage technique of dream interpretation. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 1975, Vol. 2 (or 11?), 75-82. (5732) Dercum, F. The role of dreams in etiology. Journal of Amer. Med. Assoc., 1911, Vol. 56, 373-377. De Sanctis, S. Nuovi contributi alla psicofisiologia del sogno [New contributions to the psychophysiology of the dream]. Riv. di psicol., 1933, Vol. 29, 12-32 (2565) De Sanctis, S., & Neyroz, U. Experimental investigations concerning the depth of sleep. Psychological Review, 1902, Vol. 9, 254-292. Desoille, R. Le reve eveille en psychotherapie: Essai sur la fonction de regulation de l'inconscient collectif [The waking dream in psychotherapy: Essay on the regulatory functions of the collective unconscious]. Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1945. (1305) Desoille, R. Apercu sur la technique du reve eveille dirige en psychotherapie [Outline of the waking dream technique in psychotherapy]. Evolution Psychiatrique, 1959, Vol. 4, 576- 583. (7766) Desoille, R. The directed daydream. Psychosynthesis Research Foundation, 1966, No. 18, iii, 33p. (6006) Desoille, R. Il reve eveille dirige come metodo d'esplorazione e di cura psychologica [The use of controlled, wakeful dreams as a method of exploration and psychological recovery]. Centro Ricerche Biopsichiche, 1967, Vol. 2 (or 11?), 11-23. (11981) Despert, L. Dreams in children of pre-school age. In A. Freud et al., The psychoanalytic study of the child, 1949, Vol. 3-4, 141-180. Despert, L. The inner voices of children. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1975. (7593) Desroches, H., & Kaiman, B. The relationship between dream recall and symptoms of emotional instability. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1964, Vol. 20, 350-352. (10435) Destrooper, J., & Bonaccorsi, M-T. Secondary Revision: A control study. Psychophysiology, 1969, Vol. 6, 253. Destrooper, J., & Dukau, (or hau?), A.-M. The effect of pre- sleep viewing of a Rorschach plate upon the structure and content of the dreams of the night. Psychophysiology, 1969, Vol. 6, 253-254. Deutsch, E. The dream imagery of the blind. Psychoanal. Rev., 1928, Vol. 15, 288-293. (3038) Deutsch, H. The psychology of women: Vol. 2. Motherhood. New York: Grune & Stratton, 1945. Why are there page references if this is a whole volume? Devereux, G. The psychological "date" of dreams. Psychiatric Quarterly Supplement 1949, Vol. 23, 127-130. (5386) Devereux, G. Dream learning and individual ritual differences in Mohave shamanism. American Anthropologist, 1957, Vol. 59, 1036-1045. Devereux, G. Pathogenic dreams in non-Western societies. In G. Von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream and human society. (pp. 213-228) Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Devereux, G. Observation and belief in Aischylos' accounts of dreams. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1967, Vol. 15, 114- 134. (15445) Devereux, G. Reality and dream. New York: International University Press, 1951. (OR Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1969) De Vriese, E. Dynamics of a cure by controlled dream awakening. (What's French title?) Etudes Psychother, 1974, Vol. 18, 209- 226. (I changed No. to Vol.) Dewan, E. Tests of the programming (P) hypothesis for REM. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 203. Also Abs. Psychophysiol. 1968, Vol. 4, 365-366. Deyoub, P., & Epstein, S. Short-term hypnotherapy for the treatment of flight phobia: A case report. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1977, Vol. 19, 251-254. (8375) Diamond, E. The science of dreams. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1962. (6876) Diamond, S. (Ed.). The roots of psychology: A sourcebook in the history of ideas. New York: Basic Books, 1974. (6408) Dick, W, & Gris, H. Top Russian medical researcher reveals how dreams are saving lives. National Enquirer, March 18, 1975, p. R. Dieckmann, H. [The dream and self- archetype in man.] (Ger.) Analytische Psychologie, 1974, Vol. 5, 1- 16. (12215) Dieckmann, H. [The symbolism of the automobile in dreams.] (Ger.) Analytische Psychologie, 1976, Vol. 7, 20-35. (9062) Dieckmann, H. Some aspects of the development of authority. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1977, Vol. 22, 230-242. (10109) Dieckmann, H. [On the methods of dream interpretation.] (Ger.) Analytische Psychologie, 1978, Vol. 9, 111- 122. (9057) Dieckmann, H. Individuelle und kollektive Wandlungschancen durch den Traum [Dreams as a chance for individual and collective transformation]. Analytische Psychologie, 1982, Vol 13, 183- 200. (10825) Di Piazza, P., Gori, E., & Rossini, R. Rapporti fra sogni e delire [Relationship between dreaming and delirium]. In M. Bertini (Ed.) Picofisiologia del sonno e del sogno. [Proceedings of an internatinal symposium, Rome, 1967--include this or not?] Milan: Edetrice Vita E Pensiere, 1970. Dittborn, J. Experimental recollection of dreams. Journal of Psychology, 1963, Vol. 55, 39-41. (6877) Dittborn, J. Hypnopompic distortion of repeatedly heard verbal material. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 222. (13614) Dittman, A., & Moore, H. Disturbance in dreams as related to peyotism among the Navaho. American Anthropologist, 1957, Vol. 59, 642-649. Domhoff, B. Night dreams and hypnotic dreams: Is there evidence that they are different? International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 1964, Vol. 12, 159-168. (5422) Domhoff, B. An unsuccessful search for further correlates of everyday dream recall, Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 4, 396. (14833) Domhoff, B., & Gerson, A. Personality factors in dream recall: A replication and critique. Paper read at the meeting of the APSS, Washington, DC, 1965. Domhoff, B., & Gerson, A. Replication and critique of three studies on personality correlates of dream recall. Journal of Consulting Psychology, 1967, Vol. 31, 431. (12960) Domhoff, B., & Kamiya, J. Problems in dream content study with objetive indicators. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1964, Vol. 11, 519-532. (6626) Domhoff, G. A quantitative study of dream content using an objective indicator of dreaming. Dissertation Abstracts, 1965, Vol. 26(02), 1159-1160. (98) Domino, G. Primary-process thinking in dream reports and creative achievement. Proceedings of the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 1970, Vol. 5(Pt.1), 481- 482. (18714) Domino, G. Compensatory aspects of dreams: An empirical test of Jung's theory. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1976, Vol. 34, 658-662. (1218) Domino, G. Primary process thinking in dream reports as related to creative achievement. Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1976, Vol. 44, 929-932. (3368) Domino, G. Attitudes towards dreams, sex differences and creativity. Journal of Creative Behavior, 1982, Vol. 16, 112- 122. (10092) Dorus, E., Dorus, W., & Rechtschaffen, A. The Incidence of Novelty in Dreams. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1971, Vol. 25, 364-368. Downing, J., & Marmorstein, E. (Eds.) Dreams and nightmares: A book of Gestalt therapy sessions. New York: Harper & Row, 1973. (10563) Dreistadt, R. An analysis of how dreams are used in creative behavior. 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Monatsschrift fur Psychiatrie und Neurologie, 1929, Vol. 73, 314-329. Eisnitz, A. Mirror dreams. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1961, Vol. 9, 461-479. (51J61E) Ekeh, P. Dreams and society: A sociological analysis of Nigerian dreams. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1971, Vol. 31 (12-A), 6713-6714. (10656) Ekeh, P. Examination dreams in Nigeria: A sociological study. Psychiatry, 1972, Vol. 35, 352-365. (6928) Ekstein, R. Some thoughts concerning the clinical use of children's dreams. Bulletin of the Menninger Clinic, 1981, Vol. 45, 115-124. (1616) Eliade, M. Initiation dreams and visions among the Siberian shamans. In G. Von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream and human societies. (pp. 331-340). Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966, Elkan, B. Developmental differences in the manifest content of children's reported dreams. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1970, Vol. 30(10-B), 4790. (20585) Ellenberger, E., & Ellenberger, H. Recherches recentes en Russie sur les reves. L'Union Medicale du Canada, 1975, Vol. 104, 1667-1676. Ellis, A. Re-analysis of an alleged telepathic dream. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1949, Vol. 23, 116-126. (4009) Ellis,? The world of dreams. Boston & New York: Houghhton Mifflin, 1911. (Use one or both pub towns?) Ellis, H. The relation of erotic dreams to vesical dreams. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1913, Vol. 8, 137-167. (Journal title complete?) Elwin, V. A note on the theory and symbolism of dreams among the Baiga. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1937, Vol. 16, 237-254. (389) Elwin, V. Dreams of Indian aboriginal lepers. Man, 1941, Vol. 41, 55-60. (166) Emery, M. The differential assimilation of dream content into waking consciousness Dissertastion Abstracts International, 1971, Vol. 32(6-B), 3632. Enachesu, C. Analyse psychopathologique des reves et des etats oniro-hallucinatoires dans la peinture des malades mentaux [Psychopathological analysis of dreams and oniro-hallucinatory states by drawings of the mentally ill]. Annales Medico- Psychologiques, 1970, Vol. 1, 185-232. (3312) Enatz, A. Uber Traume von Schizophrenen [On dreams of schizophrenics]. International Zeitschrift fur arzteiche Psychoanalyse, 1924, Vol. 10, 292-295. Engel, G. Studies of ulcerative colitis: IV. The significance of headaches, Psychosomatic Medicine, 1956, Vol. 18, 334-346. (If IV is Vol., I need to write that.) Engel, G. The death of a twin: Mourning and anniversary reactions: Fragments of 10 years of self-analysis. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1975, Vol. 56, 23-40. (3723) Engel, G., Hamburger, W., Reiser, M., & Plunkett, J. Studies of a case of migraine with severe preheadache phenomena. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1953, Vol. 15, 337-34 Enke, H., Ohimeier, D., & Nast, J. Eine formale Affekt- und Beziehungsanalyse in Traumserien von Patienten mit psychosomatischen Krankheitsbildean [A formal affect and relations analysis of patient's dream series with psychosomatic clinical pictures]. Zeitschrift fur psychosomatische Medizin und Psychoanalyse, 1968, Vol. 14, 15-33. (8913) Ephon (sp??? see below), H., & Carrington, P. Rapid eye movement and sleep and dreaming: Implications for psychoanalutic theory. Paper read at the Society of Medical Psychoanalysts, New York Medical College, New York, November 1965. Ephron, H., & Carrington, P. Ego functioning in rapid eye movement sleep: Implications for dream theory. Science and Psychoanalysis, Vol. 11, 75-102. DATE? Epstein, A. Recurrent dreams: Their relationship to temporal lobe seizures. Archives of General Pychiatry, 1964, Vol. 10, 25-30. (6407) Epstein, A. Body image alterations during seizures and dreams of epileptics. Archives of Neurology, 1967, Vol. 16, 613-619. (14107) Epstein, A. 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Dissertation Abstracts International, 1970, Vol. 30(7B), 3370. Erikson, E. The dream specimen of psychoanalysis. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1954, Vol. 2, 5-56. (7193) Erickson, M. On the possible occurrence of a dream in an eight- month-old infant. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1941, Vol. 10, 382-384. (4834) Evans, F. Hypnosis and sleep: Techniques for exploring cognitive activity during sleep. Reprint from E. Fromm & R. Shor (Eds.), Hypnosis: Research developments and perspectives. Chicago: Aldine-Atherton, 1972. Reprint style ok? Evans, F. Subjective characteristics of sleep efficiency. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1977, Vol. 86, 561-564. (346) Evans, R. Dream conception and reality testing in children. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1973, Vol. 12, 73-92, (5044) Exline, R., & Long, B. An application of psychological scaling methods to content analysis: The use of empirically derived criterion weights to improve intercoder reliability. Journal of Applied Psychology, 1965, Vol. 49, 142-149. Ey, H. Ensueno y psicosis [Dream and psychosis]. Revista de Neuro-Psiquiatria, Lima, 1948, Vol. 11, 1-92. (3542) Ey, H. Le phenomene sommeil-reve dans ses rapports avec la psychopathologie (Theorie de la relativite generalisee de l'Inconscient et de l'Etre conscient en psychiatrie) [The sleep-dream phenomenon in its relation to psychopathology]. (INCOMPLETE trsl.) In Excerpta Medica International Congress Series [Abstracts of the 4th World Congress of Psychiatry], 1966, 117, pp. 6-7. (Check style, Trsl of Abstracts title is not same as the Spanish.) Ey, H. Der Abbau des Bewussteinsfelded beim Phaenomenon Schaf: Traum und seine Bezichungen zur Psychopathology [Decomposition of the field of consciousness by the phenomenon of sleep: Dream and its relation to psychopathology]. Nervenarzt, 1967, Vol. 38, 237-284. (14583)Dream Bibliography (F)
Faber, M. Hermia's dream: Royal road to A midsummer night's dream. Literature and Psychology, 1972, Vol. 22, 179-190. (1123) Faber, P, Saayman, G., & Touyz, S. Meditation and archetypal content of nocturnal dreams. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1978, Vol. 23, 1-22. (5339) Fabian, J. Dreams and Charisma. "Theories of dreams" in the Jamaa-movement (Congo). Anthropos, 1966, Vol. 61, 544-560. Factor, M. A woman's psychological reaction to attempted rape. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1954, Vol. 23, 243-244. Fahd, T. The dream in medieval Islamic society. In G. Von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream and human societies. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Fahrion, S. The relationship of heart rate and dream content in heart-rate responders. Dissertation Abstracts, 1967, Vol. 27(9-B), 3307-3308. (11572) Falstein, E. Juvenile alcoholism: A psychodynamic case study of addiction. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1953, Vol. 23, 530. Falstein, E., Feinstein, S., & Judas, I. Anorexia nervosa in the male child. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1956, Vol. 26, 751. Fancher, R., & Strahan, R. Galvanic skin response and the secondary revision of dreams: A partial disconfirmation of Freud's dream theory. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1971, Vol. 77, 308-312. (6044) Faraday, Ann. Dream power. New York: Coward, McCann & Geoghegan, 1972. (5323) THERE SHOULD BE ANOTHER ANN FARADAY. Farber, L., & Fisher, C. An experimental approach to dream psychology through the use of hypnosis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1943, Vol. 12, 202-216. (3094) Farley, F., Schmuller, J., & Fischbach, T. Dream recall and individual differences. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1971, Vol. 33, 379-384. (6044) Farrales, R., Jr. Enuresis among schoolchildren in selected schools in Manila. Acta Med. Philip., 1972, Vol. 8, 129-135. Faure, H. Une imagerie de reve interpretee selon les normes du test du village [A dream imagery interpreted according to the norms of the village test]. Evolution Psychiatrique, 1954, Vol. 2, 265-274. (4569) Fayol, Y., Renaud, L., Guilhot, J., & Benoit, J. Hommage a Robert Desoille, createur de la methode psychotherapique du reve eveille dirige [A tribute to Robert Desoille, originator of the psychotherapeutic method of directed dreaming in a state of wakefulness]. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1967, Vol. 15, 19. (13851) Federn, P. Ego feeling in dreams. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1932, Vol. 1, 511-542. Federn, P. The awakening of the ego in dreams, International Journal of Psycho-analysis, 1934, Vol. 15, 296-301. Federn, P. A dream under general anesthesia. Studies in ego- cathexis. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1944, Vol. 18, 422-438. Feigelson, C. The mirror dream. Psychoanalytic study of the child, 1975, Vol. 30, 341-355. (8613) Feigelson, C. Dream experience, analytic experience: A point of view on psychoanalytic technique. Psychoanalytic Study of the Child, 1978, Vol. 33, 363-379. (11394) Feinberg, I., Koresko, R., & Gottlieb, F. Current studies of sleep and dreaming in psychiatric patients. Paper presented at the (I added this) meeting of the APSS, Palo Alto, March 1964. Feinberg, I., Koresko, R., Heller, N., & Steinberg, H. Unusually high dream time in an hallucinating patient. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1965, Vol. 121, 1018-1020. Feldman, S. The use of the adopted language in dreams. Journal of the Hillside Hospital, 1968, Vol. 17, 110-115. (2965) Feldman, M., & Hersen, M. Attitudes toward death in nightmare subjects. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1967, Vol. 72, 421- 425. (929) Feldman, M., & Hyman, E. Content analysis of nightmare reports. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 221. (13615) Feldman, S. Interpretation of a typical dream: Finding money. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1943, Vol. 17, 423-425. (3392) Feldman, S. Interpretation of a typical and stereotyped dream met with only during psychoanalysis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1945, Vol. 14, 511-515. Feldman, S. Contributions to the interpretation of a typical dream: Finding money. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1952, Vol. 26, 663-667. Feldman, S. A significant comment made by patients when relating their dreams. Journal of the Hillside Hospital, 1952, Vol. 1, 89-92. Feldman, S. Alarm dreams. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis, 1957, Vol. 7, 45-49. (Also abstract in P.Q.) Ferenczi, S. Pollution ohme orgastischen Traum und Orgasmus im Traume ohme pollution [Pollution without dream orgasm and dream orgasm without pollution]. International Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse, 1916, Vol. 4, 187-162 (pages ok?). Ferenczi, S. Bausteine zur Psychoanalyse: Vol. 2. Praxis [Building blocks for psychoanalysis: Vol. 2. Practice]. GERMAN WORD FOR VOL? NOTE: FINISH THIS CARD. UNCLEAR. Ferguson, S., Rayport, M., Gardner, R. Kass, W., Weiner, H., & Reiser, M. Similarities in mental content of psychotic states, spontaneous seizures, dreams, and responses to electrical brain stimulation in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1969, Vol. 31, 479-498. (13163) Fernandez, H. Evoked K-complexes in the early stages of sleep and their relation to visual images. American Journal of EEG Technology, 1969, Vol. 9, 18-21. (20282) Fielding, B. The dream and the session. Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics, 1966, Vol. 14, 298-312. (15386) Fielding, B. The utilzation of dreams in the treatment of couples. Psychotheray and Psychosomatics, 1966, Vol. 14, 81- 89. (3181) Fielding, B. Dreams in group psychotherapy. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1967, Vol. 4, 74-77. (13768) Fierz, H. [Analytical psychotherapy and dream, resistance and wholeness.] (Ger.) Analytische Psychologie, 1976, Vol. 7, 275-285. (1519) Firth, H. Sleeping pills and dream content. British Journal of Psychiatry, 1974, Vol. 124, 547-553. (603) Firth, H., & Oswald, I. Eye Movements and Visually Active Dreams. Psychophysiology, 1975, Vol. 12, 602-606. Fischer, E. Der Religiose Komplex im Kindertraum [The religious complex in children's dreams]. Stuttgart: J. Puttman, 1929. (2355) Fisher, C. Studies on the nature of suggestion: Part I. Experimental induction of dreams by direct suggestion. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1953, Vol. 1, 222- 255. (1004) Fisher, C. Studies on the nature of suggestion: Part II. The transference meaning of giving suggestions. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1953, Vol. 1, 406-437. (7115) Fisher, C. Dreams and perception: The role of preconscious and primary modes of perception in dream formation. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1954, Vol. 2, 389-445. (3638) Fisher, C. Dreams, images, and perception: A study of unconscious-preconscious relationships. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1956, Vol. 4, 5-48. (2502) Fisher, C. A study of the preliminary stages of the construction of dreams and images. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1957, Vol. 5, 5-60. (1328) Fisher, C. A study of the preliminary stages of the construction of dreams and images. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1957, Vol. 19, 435. SEE ENTRY ABOVE. THE SAME?? Fisher, C. Subliminal and supraliminal influences on dreams. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1960, Vol. 116, 1009-1017. (919) Fisher, C. Dream development in relation to NREM and REM stages of sleep. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, New York, March 1963. Fisher, C. Dreaming and Sexuality. In R. Lowenstein, L. Newman, M. Schur, & A. Solnit (Eds.), Psychoanalysis--A general psychology. New York: International Universities Press, 1966. Fisher, C. Spoken words in dreams: A critique of the views of Otto Isakower. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1976, Vol. 45, 100- 109. (4845) Fisher, C., Byrne, J, Edwards, A., & Kahn, E. A psychophysiological study of nightmares. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1970, Vol. 18, 747-782. (1146) Fisher, C., & Dement, W. Studies on the psychopathology of sleep and dreams. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1963, Vol. 119, 1160-1168. (3614) Fisher, C., Gross, J., & Zuck, J. Cycle of penile erection synchronous with dreaming (REM) sleep. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1965, Vol. 12, 29-45. Fisher, C., Kahn, E., Edwards, A, & Davis, D. A psychophysiological study of nightmares and night terrors: I. Physiological aspects of the Stage 4 night terror. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1973, Vol. 157, 75-98. (9211) Fisher, C., Kahn, E., Edwards, A., & Davis, D. A psychophysiological study of nightmares and night terrors: II. The suppression of Stage 4 night terror with diazepam. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1973, Vol. 28, 252-259. Fisher, C., Kahn, E., Edwards, A., & Davis, D. A psychophysiological study of nightmares and night terrors: I. Physiological aspects of the Stage 4 night terror. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Science, 1974, Vol. 3, 317-398. (10394) REPETITION of article in different magazine. See two entries up. Fisher, C. et al. A psychophysiological study of nightmares and night terrors: III. Mental content and recall of Stage 4 night terrors. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1974, Vol. 158, 174-188. (7937) Fisher, C., & Paul, I. The effect of subliminal visual stimulation on images and dreams: A validation study. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1959, Vol. 7, 35-83. (3760) Fisher, J., & Breger, L. The meaning of dreams: Some insights from the laboratory. California Mental Health Research Symposium, 1969, No. 3. Fisher, V. The search for reality through dreams: A study of the work of William Morris from 1856 to 1872. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1973, Vol. 34(2-A), 767. Fiss, H. The need to complete one's dreams. In J. Fisher & L. Breger (Eds.), The meaning of dreams--Recent insights from the laboratory. California Mental HealthSymposium,1969. No. 3. Fiss, H., Alpert, M., Klein, G., Shollar, E., & Gwoydz, F. Acoustic analysis of the voice during dream reporting. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Boston, March 1969. Fiss, H., Ellman, S., & Klein, G. Effects of interruption of rapid eye movement sleep on fantasy in the waking state Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 4, 364. (14837) Fiss, H., Ellman, S., & Klein, G. Waking fantasies following interrupted and completed REM periods. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1969, Vol. 21, 230-239. (5174) Fiss, H., Klein, G., & Bokert, E. Waking fantasies following interruption of two types of sleep. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1966, Vol. 14, 543-551. (2802) Fiss, H., Klein, G., Bokert, E., & Ellman, S. Relationship between dreams and TAT stories (Biennial Report). New York University: The Research Center for Mental Health of the Department of Psychology, 1963-1965. (Abstract) Fiss, H., Klein, G., & Shollar, E. Dream intensification as a function of prolonged REM-period interruption. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Science, 1974, Vol. 3, 339-424. (10395) Fiss, H., Klein, G., Shollar, E., & Levine, B. Changes in dream content as a function of prolonged REM sleep interruption, Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 217. Fitzgerald, R. Visual phenomenology in recently blind adults. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1971, Vol. 127, 1533-1539. (5412) Fiumara, R. [Jungian analysis of a patient suffering from depressive neurosis.] (Ital.) Rivista di Psichiatria, 1976, Vol. 11, 35-53. (3670) Fleiss, A. Psychotic symptoms: A disturbance in the sleep mechanism. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1962, Vol. 36, 727-733. (6486) Flemenbaum, A. Pavor nocturnus: A complication of single daily tricyclic or neuroleptic dosage. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1976, Vol. 133, 570-572. Fletcher, M. A study of the relationship between agression in the verbally reported content of dreams and some conceptually related measures of personality. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1970, Vol. 31(9-B), 5620. Fliess, R. The revival of interest in the dream: A critical study of the post-Freudian contributions. In S. Lorand, The yearbook of psychoanalysis (Vol. 6, pp. 78-103). Is (see 25: 4938 necessary? Is format right? Is this edited?) Fliess, R. The revival of interest in the dream; a critical survey of the post-Freudian contributions. In S. Lorand, The yearbook of psychoanalysis (see 27:759), 47-70. NOTE. This concludes entry above. What format? (977) Fliess, R. Symbol, dream, and psychosis, Psychoanalytic Series (Vol. 3). (Unsure of format) New York: International Universities Press, 1973. NOTE: Throughout, is name I. Universities Press or University? Fodor. N. Telepathic dreams. American Imago, 1942, Vol. 3, 61- 87. (520.) Fodor, N. Lycanthropy as a psychic mechanism. American Journal of Folklore, 1945, Vol. 58, 310-316. (1490) Journal title ok? Fodor, N. The negative in dreams. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1945, Vol. 14, 516-527. Fodor, N. Nightmares of suffocation. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1945, Vol. 101, 557-565. (2946) Fodor, N. The psychology of numbers, Journal of Clinical Psychopathology, 1947, Vol. 8, 525-556. Fodor, N. Telepathy in analysis; a discussion of five dreams. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1947, Vol. 21, 171-189. (4973) Fodor, N. Varieties of castration. American Imago, 1947, Vol. 4, 32-48. Fodor, N. Evocation of the undreamed. Psychoanal. Rev., 1948, Vol. 35, 74-80. Fodor, N. Fire and begetting. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1948, Vol. 2, 240-249. Fodor, N. Nightmares of water. American Imago, 1948, Vol. 5., 140-151. Fodor, N, A precognitive diagnostic dream. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1948, Vol. 2, 658. Fodor, N. Nightmares of bears. American Imago, 1949, Vol. 6, 281-295. (5699) Fodor, N. The trauma of bearing. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1949, Vol. 23, 59-70. Fodor, N. Conception fantasies. Samiksa, 1951, Vol. 5, 14-31. (3290) Fodor, N. Nightmares of cannibalism. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1951, Vol. 5, 226-235. (7924) Fodor, N. Through the gate of horn: A clinical approach to precognitive dreams. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1955, Vol. 9, 283-294. Fodor, N, New approaches to dream interpretation. New York: Citadel, 1962. (6878) Forbes, A. Dream scintillations. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1949, Vol. 11, 160-162, Forrest, T. The combined use of marital and individual therapy in depression. Contemporary Psychoanalysis,1969, Vol. 6, 76-83. (1702) Forster, W. Studies in dreams. London: Allen and Unwin, 1920. Fortanier, A., & Stokvis, B. Psychologie und Psychophysiologie des Wecktraumes [Psychology and psychophysiology of the awaking-dream]. Acta psychiatrica, Kbh., 1940, Vol. 15, 69-99. (5948) Fortanier, A., & Stokvis, B. [Psychology and psychophysiology of the dream before waking.] Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Psychologie, 1940, Vol. 8, 235-264. (1908) NOTE: This may be same as entry above, perhaps one German, one Dutch????? Fortier, M. Dreams and preparation for death. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1973, Vol. 33(7-B), 3300-3301. (11602) Fortier, R. A study of the relation of the response to color and some personality function: I. The response to color and ego functions: An effect-color theory. II. An analysis of groups of dream series differing in the frequency of dreams in color. III. Some Rorschach variables associated with the frequency of dreams in color (Doctoral dissertation, Western Reserve University, 1952). Format? Fortier, R. The response to color and ego functions. Psychological Bulletin, 1953, Vol. 50, 41-63. Fortunato, G. Psychotherapy of an adolescent case of anorexia nervosa. Journal of Child Psychotherapy, 1977, Vol. 4, 111- 120. (1520) Foster, G. Dreams, character, and cognitive orientation in Tzint-zuntzan. Ethos, 1973, Vol. 1, 106-121. (6743) Foster, H. The necessity for a new standpoint in sleep theories. American Journal of Psychology, 1961, Vol. XIL, 2. (Also reviewed, in Psychological Review. Include?) Foster, J., & Anderson, J. Unpleasant dreams in childhood. Child Development, 1963, Vol. 7, 77-84. (5561) Foulkes, D. Dream reports from different stages of sleep. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1962, Vol.65, 14-25. Foulkes, D. Theories of dream formation and recent studies of sleep consciousness, Psychological Bulletin, 1964, Vol. 62, 236-247. (3621) Foulkes, D. The psychology of sleep. New York: Scribners, 1966. Foulkes, D. Dreams of the male child: Four case studies. Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry and Allied Disciplines, 1967, Vol. 8, 81-97. (9152) Foulkes, D. Nonrapid eye movement mentation. Experimental Neurology, 1967(Suppl. 4), 28-38. (4718) Foulkes, D. Drug research and the meaning of dreams. Experimental Medicine and Surgery, 1969, Vol. 27, 39-52. (405) Foulkes, D. A longitudinal study of childhood dreaming. Psychophysiology, 1969, Vol. 6, 266-267. Foulkes, D. Children's dreams: Age changes and sex differences. Waking and Sleeping, 1977, Vol. 1, 171-174. (11981) Foulkes, D. Changes in dream content during a D-Period and during a night: Stage REM variability and dreaming. In International Psychiatry Clinics, Vol.7. Boston: Little Brown and Company. No date. Foulkes, D, & Fleisher, S. Mental activity in relaxed wakefulness. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1975, Vol. 84, 66-75. Foulkes, D., Larson, J., Rarden, M, & Swanson, E. Dreams of institutionalized and noninstitutionalized adolescents. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 222-223. Foulkes, D., Larson, J., Swanson, E., & Rardin, M. Two studies of childhood dreaming. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1969, Vol. 39, 627-643 (6682) Foulkes, D., Pivik, T, Ahrens, J., & Swanson, E. Effects of "dream-deprivation" on dream content: An attempted cross-night replication. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1968, Vol. 73, 403-415. (18194) Foulkes, D., & Pope, R. Primary visual experience and secondary cognitive elaboration in Stage REM: A modest confirmation and an extension. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1973, Vol. 37, 107- 118. (8332) Foulkes, D., & Rechtschaffen, A. Presleep determination of dream content: Effects of two films. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1964, Vol. 19, 983-1005. (6627) Foulkes, D., & Shepherd, J. A scoring system for children's dreams. Psychophysiology, 1970, Vol. 7, 335. Foulkes, D., Spear, P., & Symonds, J. Individual differences in mental activity at sleep onset. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1966, Vol. 71, 280-286. (11269) Foulkes, D., Swanson, E., & Larson, J. Dreams of the preschool child. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 220. Foulkes, D., & Vogel, G. Mental activity at sleep onset, Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1965, Vol. 70, 231-243. (530) Foulkes, D., & Vogel, G. The current status of laboratory dream research. Psychiatric Annals, 1974, Vol. 4, 7-27. (6744) Foulkes, D. et al. Dreams of the male child: An EEG study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1967, Vol. 72, 457-467. (3302) Foulkes, D. et al. Long-distance, "sensory-bombardment" ESP in dreams: A failure to replicate. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1972, Vol. 35, 731-734. (10311) Fox, R. et al. The experimenter variable in dream research. Diseases of the Nervous System, 1968, Vol. 29, 698-701. (4719) Foy, A. Dreams of patients and staff. American Journal of Nursing, 1970, Vol. 70, 80-82. (4828) Framer, E., & Sanders, S. The effects of family contingency contracting on disturbed sleeping behaviors in a male adolescent. Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry, 1980, Vol. 11, 235-237. (10826) Framo, J. Osterweil, J., & Boszormenyi-Nagy, J. A relationship between threat in the manifest content of dreams and active- passive behavior in psychotics. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1962, Vol. 65, 41-47. Francher, R. The neurological origin of Freud's dream theory. Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, 1971, Vol. 7, 59-74. (9265) Franco, D., & Levine, A. Psychic reality and psychic structure as predicted from the manifest content of first dreams. Proceedings of the 77th Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 1969, Vol. 4, 493-494. (748) Frank, I. Die Weisen des Gegebenseins im Traum [The forms of the manifest content of dreams]. Psychol. Forsch., 1932, Vol. 16, 114-159. (2286) Franklin, J., Schiele, B., Brozek, J., & Keys, A. Observations on human behavior in experimental starvation and rehabilitation. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 1948, Vol. 4, 28-45. Fraser, G. A short encounter with Anna Freud at Berggasse 19, Canadian Psychiatric Association Journal, 1977, Vol. 22, 361- 364. (6701) Frederickson, E. The analysis of dreams by the method of internal consistency (Doctoral dissertation, Western Reserve University, 1948). Check style. Published or not? Freedman, A., Luborsky, L., & Harvey, R. Dream time (REM) and psychotherapy. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1970, Vol. 22, 33-39. (10545) Freedman, N., Grand, S., & Karacan, I. An approach to the study of dreaming and changes in psychopathological states. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1966, Vol. 143, 399-405. (9077) Frei, G. D'une serie de reves d'un theologien [Dreams sequence of a theologian]. Psyche, Paris, 1954, Vol. 9, 445-461. (585) Freire-Marreco, B. The "dreamers" of the Mohave-Apache tribe. Folk Lore, 1912, Vol. 23, 172-174. French, F. Mental imagery of students. A summary of the replies given to Titchener's Questionary by 118 juniors in Vassar College. Psychological Review, 1902, Vol 9, 40-56. French, T. Physiology of behavior and choice of neurosis. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1941, Vol. 10, 561-572. (568) French, T. The integration of behavior: Vol. II. The integrative process in dreams. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1954. (5671) French, T., & Fromm, Erika. Dream interpretation: A new approach. New York: Basic Books, 1964. (2207) French, T., & Shapiro, L. The use of dream analysis in psychosomatic research. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1949, Vol. 11, 110-112. Frenkel, R. Remembering dreams through autosuggestion: Relationship of menstruation and ovulation to the autosuggestion dream recall cycle. Behavioral Neuropsychiatry, 1971, Vol. 3, 2-11. (11038) Freud, S. My contact with Josef Popper-Lynkeus (1932). International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1942, Vol. 23, 85-87. (4775) Freud, S. Untranslated Freud. (8) Remarks upon the theory and practice of dream-interpretation (1923). (9) Some additional notes upon dream-interpretation as a whole (1925). International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1943, Vol. 24, 66-75. (1402) Freud, S. The interpretation of dreams. New York: Basic Books, 1955. (584) Frey, E. Dreams of male homosexuals and the attitude of society. Journal of Individual Psychology, 1962, Vol. 18, 26-34. (1726) Fried, C. Icarianism, masochism, and sex differences in fantasy. Journal of Personality Assessment, 1971, Vol. 35, 38-55. Friedemann, M. Representative and typical dreams with emphasis on the masculinity-feminity problem. Psychoanalytic Review, 1957, Vol. 44, 363-389. Friedenberg, F. Two dreams. Psychoanalytic Review, 1956, Vol. 43, 461-470. Friedman, P. The bridge: A study in symbolism. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1952, Vol. 21, 49-80. Friedman, S. Perceptual registration of the analyst outside of awareness. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1976, Vol. 45, 128-130. (5779) Froboese-Thiele, F. Traume: Eine Quelle religioser Erfahrung [Dreams: A well of religious experience]. Gottingen: Vanderhoeck & Ruprecht, 1957. (2503) Froeschels, E. A peculiar intermediary state between waking and sleeping. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1949, Vol. 3, 19-25. (4612) Fromm, Erich. The forgotten language: An introduction to the understanding of dreams, fairy tales and myths. New York: Rinehart, 1951. (3872) Fromm, Erich. The art of dream interpretation. Pastoral Psychology, 1952, Vol. 21, 17-25. (5387) Fromm, Erika. Psychoanalytic concepts and principles discernable in projective personality tests. Work shop, 1956. 5. The psychoanalytic interpretations of dreams and projective techniques. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1958, Vol. 28, 67-72. Fromm, Erika. Spontaneous autohypnotic age-regression in a nocturnal dream. International Journal of Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis, 1965, Vol. 13, 119-131. (15742) Fromm, Erika, & French, T. Formation and evaluation of hypotheses in dream interpretation. Journal of Psychology, 1962, Vol. 54, 271-283. (6879) Frosch, J. Dream studies. Annual Survey of Psychoanalysis, 1951, Vol. 2, 232-261. (2198) NOTE: This seems sometimes to be a periodical, sometimes a book volume. Delete "The" where periodical? Frosch, J. Dream studies. The Annual Survey of Psychoanalysis, 1952, Vol. 3, 186-201. (586) Frosch, J. Dreams. In J. Frosch & N. Ross (Eds.), The annual survey of psychoanalysis: Vol. IV.. New York: International Universities Press, 1957. (3251) Check VOL. style. Where placed? Ital? Frosch, J., & Ross, N. (Eds.). The annual survey of psychoanalysis: Vol. IV. New York: International Universities Press, 1957. Frosch, J., & Ross, N. (Eds.). The annual survey of psychoanalysis: Vol. V. New York: International Universities Press, 1959. (3060) NOTE: These Frosch entries must be conformed stylistically. Frost, E. Dreams. Psychological Bulletin, 1915, Vol. 12, 22-25. (Also says 1916, Vol. 13, 12-15.) Frost. E. Dreams. Psychological Bulletin, 1918, Vol. 15, 12-15. Fukuma, E. A study of dreams by using "REMP-Awakening Technique"--psychophysiological study of dreams in normal subjects: The first report. (Jap.) Psychiatria et Neurologia Japonica, 1969, Vol. 71, 960-979. STYLE? Add English summary 1026-1027; article is in Japanese.. Furman, E. Some features of the dream function of a severely disturbed young child. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1962, Vol. 10, 258-270. (6880)Dream Bibliography (G)
Gahagan, L. The form and function of a series of dreams. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1935, Vol. 29, 404- 408. (3717) Gahagan, L. Sex differences in recall of stereotyped dreams, sleep-talking, and sleep-walking. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1936, Vol. 48, 227-236. (3500) Gaillard, J.-M., & Phelippeau, M. Benzodiazepine-induced modifications of dream content: The effect of flunitrazepam. Neuropsychobiology, 1976, Vol. 2, 37-44. (11259) Gaillard, J.-M., & Phelippeau, M. Analysis of dream contents by scaled and rated measurements. Psychological Medicine, 1977, Vol. 7, 275-282. (6970) NOTE: Margie, Following your corrections, I deleted one second initial of a hyphenated first name. So if style is to keep the double initial, the earlier deletion has to be reinstated. Galdston, Iago. Dream morphology: Its diagnostic and prognostic significance. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1952, Vol. 109, 287-290. Gambi, D., Pinto, F., Bertolini, R., & Torrioli, M. Mental . . . ? content in nocturnal sleep of enuretic chidren. Sleep 1974, 2nd Europ. Congr. Sleep Res. (STYLE?), Rome 1974, pp. 97-98. Garber, M. The size of dreaming: Use of dream in Shakespeare. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1969, Vol. 31(3-A), 1227. Gardiner, H. Self-discrepancy and frequency of daydreams: Replication with female subjects. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1970, Vol. 30, 970. Gardiner, R. Four discussions with Professor Piaget. Menninger Clinic Bulletin, 1962, Vol. 26, 118. Gardner, R., Grossman, W., Roffwarg, H., & Weiner, H. The relationship of small limb movements during REM sleep to dreamed limb action. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1975, Vol. 37, 147-159. (2435) Garfield, P. Keeping a longitudinal dream record. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1973, Vol. 10, 223-228. (5766) Garma, A. Psicoanalisis de los suenos [Psychoanalysis of dreams] (2nd ed.). Buenos Aires: Liberia "El Ateneo," 1948. (4662) Garma, A. The psychoanalysis of dreams. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1966. (7826) Garma, A. Recent investigations of dreams and sleep. Revista de Psicoanalisis, 1966, Vol. 23, 182-198. (6583) Garma, A. Present thoughts on Freud's theory of dream hallucination. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1969, Vol. 50, 485-494. Gedo, J. On the psychology of genius. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1972, Vol. 53, 199-203. (7462) Geer, J. , & Silverman, I. Treatment of a recurrent nightmare by behavior-modification procedures: A case study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1967, Vol. 72, 188-190. (7636) Gellert, S. How to reach early scenes and decisions by dream work. Transactional Analysis Journal, 1975, Vol. 5, 411-414. (9698) Gentil, & Lader, M. Dream content and daytime attitudes in anxious and calm women. Psychological Medicine, 1978, Vol. 8, 297-304. (3757) Geocaris, K. Circumoral herbes simplex and separation experiences in psychotherapy. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1961, Vol. 23, 41-47. George, S., & Jennings, L. Effects of subliminal stimuli on dreams: Further evidence against the Spence-Holland theory. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1972, Vol. 35, 251-257. (3573) Gereb, G., & Szabo, Z. Modszertani eigondolas 10-14 eves tanulok szorongasos almainak ertelmezesere [Methodological speculation for the interpretation of anguished dreams of 10-14 year old school children]. Magyar Pszichologiai Szemle, 1965, Vol. 22, 465-474. (10145) Gereb, G., & Szabo, Z. Az almok elmenytartalmanak pszichologiai vizsgalata elsoeves foiskolai hallgatoknal [Psychological investigation of first year college students' dream content]. Szeged, Hungary: Szegedi Tanarkepzo Foiskola Tudomanyos E?ozlemenyei, 1966. (11286) Gereb, G., Szabo, Z., & Oestreich, G. Erlebnisgehalte von Traumen ungarisher Schuler [Dream contents in Hungarian pupils]. Praxis der Kinderpsychologie und Kinderpsychiatrie, 1970, Vol. 19, 300-316. (650) Gershberg, J. The use of dreams in reality testing. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1969, Vol. 10, 391-397. (14726) Gershman, H. The use of the dream in the therapy of homosexuality. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1971, Vol. 31,. 80-94. (1280) Gershman, H. Dream power. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1973, Vol. 33, 167-177. (8180) Getsinger, S. Dreaming, religion, and health. Journal of Religion and Health, 1978, Vol. 17, 199-209. (4684) Gheury De Bray, (style?) M. Spatial and time relation in dreams. Nature, 1926, Vol. 118, 372. Giambra, L. Daydreaming about the past: The time setting of spontaneous thought intrusions. Gerontologist, 1977, Vol. 17, 35-38. (5090) Giambra, L. Sex differences in daydremaing and related mental activity from the late teens to the early nineties. International Journal of Aging and Human Development, 1979-80, Vol. 10, 1-34. (7634?) Gifford, E. Yuma dreams and omens. Journal of American Folk-Lore, 1926, Vol. 39, 58-69. Gillespie, W. Dreams, psychopathology, and mental appartus. Excerpta Medica International Congress Series [Abstracts of the 4th World Congress of Psychiatry, Madrid, 1966], Vol. 117, 7- 8. STYLE?????? WHAT's What? Gilman, L. Insomnia and its relation to dreams. Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1958. (5663) Gillman, R. The dreams of pregnant women and maternal adaptation. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1968, Vol. 38, 688-692. (17288) Giora, Z. The function of the dream: A reappraisal. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1972, Vol. 128, 1067-1073. (6203) Giora, Z. Dream recall: Facts and perspectives. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1973, Vol. 14, 159-167. (10423) Giora, Z. Dream styles and the psychology of dreaming. Psychoanalysis and Contemporary Thought, 1981, Vol. 43, 291- 381. (3111) Giora, Z., & Elam, Z. What a dream is. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1974, Vol. 47, 283-289. (6709) Giora, Z., Esformes. Y., & Barak, A. Dreams in cross-cultural research. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1972, Vol. 13, 105-114. (8695) Giovacchini, P. Dreams and the creative process. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1966, Vol. 39, 105-115. (10224) Glaubman, H., & Lewin, I. REM and dreaming. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1977, Vol. 44, 929-930. (9342) Glenn, J. 'The open-air closet." American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1980, Vol. 40, 165-168. (8140) Globus, G., Knapp, P., Skinner, J., & Healey, J. An appraisal of telepathic communication in dreams. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 4, 365. (14665) Gloning, K., & Sternbach, I. Ueber das Traeumen bei zerebralen Herdlaesionen [Dreaming ceases after brain damage]. Wien. Z. Nervenheilk., 1953, Vol. 6, 302-329. Glucksman, M., & Hirsch, J. The response of obese patients to weight reduction: A clinical evaluation of behavior. Psychomatic Medicine, 1968, Vol. 30, 1-11. (2455) Gnepp, E. A theory of dreams. Psychology: A Quarterly Journal of Human Behavior, 1980, Vol. 17, 25-27. (7509) Godwin, W. Effects of positive and negative feedback on reported dream affect and frequency of recall. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1976, Vol. 36(7-B), 3602. (8842) Gold, M., & Ollendorff, R. An individualized 24-hour therapeutic approach to a psychotic child. Child Psychiatry and Human Development, 1972, Vol. 3, 115-127. (9488) Gold, M., & Robertson, M. The night/day imagery paradox of selected psychotic children. Journal of the American Academy of Child Psychiatry, 1975, Vol. 14, 132-141. (9957) Gold, V. Dreams and group behavior: A study of the transaction between a social and an intrapsychic process. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 34(1-B), 412. Gold, V. Dreams in group therapy: A review of the literature. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 1973, Vol. 23, 394- 407. (3729) Goldberg, M. The uses of dreams in conjoint marital therapy. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 1974, Vol. 1, 75-81. (3584) Goldberger, E. Simple method of producing dreamlike visual images in the waking state: A preliminary report. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1957, Vol. 19, 127-133. (2646) Goldenberger, G. An investigation of primary-process thinking in the manifest dream report. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1963, Vol. 25(10), 6060. Goldhammer, H. Use of language in dreams in analysis of aphasic deficits, Arch. Neur. & Psychiat., Chicago, 1949, Vol. 62, 725- 727. (4706) Goldhirsh, M. Manifest content of dreams of convicted sex offenders. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1961, Vol. 63, 643-645. Goldschmidt, J. A study of the interpretation of symbolic dream material. Psychological Bulletin, 1933, Vol. 30, 564-565. Gollin, R. Dream and reverie in the writings of Nathaniel Hawthorne. Dissertation Abstracts International, Vol. 22(4), 1156. Goodenough, D. et. al. Repression, interference, and field dependence as factors in dream forgetting. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1974, Vol. 83, 32-44. (6784) Goodenough, D., Lewis, H., Shapiro, A., Jaret, L., & Sleser, I. Dream reporting following abrupt and gradual awakenings from different types of sleep. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1965, Vol. 2, 170-179. (15743) Goodenough, D., Lewis, H., Shapiro, A., & Sleser, I. Some correlates of dream reporting following laboratory awakenings. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1965, Vol. 140, 365-373. (99) Goodenough, D., Shapiro, A., Holden, M., & Steinschriber, L. A comparison of "dreamers" and "nondreamers": Eye movements, electroencephalograms, and the recall of dreams. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1959, Vol. 59, 295-302. Goodenough, D., Tobin, M., Halpert, E., Lepore, D., Perlstein, A., Sirota, M., Dibianco, J., Fuller, R., & Kishner, I. Sleep disturbances and hallucinations in the acute alcoholic psychoses. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1966, Vol. 142, 493-514. (2182) Goodenough, D., Witkin, H., Koulack, D., & Cohen, H. The effects of stress films on dream affect and on respiration and eye- movement activity during rapid-eye-movement sleep. Psychophysiology, 1975, Vol. 12, 313-320. (6889) Gordon, H. A comparative study of dreams and responses to the Thematic Apperception Test: A need-press analysis. Journal of Personality, 1953, Vol. 22, 234-253. Gottke, L. Ueber das Traumleben der Epileptiker [The dream life of epileptics]. Arch. f. Psychiat., 1934, Vol. 101, 136-163. (5951) Gottschalk, L., Stone, W., Gleser, G., & Iacono, J. Anxiety levels in dreams: Relation to changes in plasma free fatty acids. Science, 1966, Vol. 153, 654-657. (10726) Gotzinger, E. The problem of dream speech--an experimental investigation. In U. Jovanovic (Ed.), The nature of sleep. Stutthart: Fischer, 1973. Grand, S., Freedman, N., & Jortner, S. Variations in REM dreaming and the effectiveness of behavior in group therapy. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1969, Vol. 23, 667-680. (7068) Grand, S., & Pardes, H. The transition from sleep to wakefulness: Implications of a study of the organization of laboratory dream reports for the psychoanalytic situation. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1974, Vol. 22, 58-82. (8011) Green, G. The terror-dream. London: Kegan, Paul, 1927. (241) Green, M. Clinical significance of children's dreams. In J. Masserman (Ed.), Science and psychoanalysis: Vol. 19. Dream dynamics. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1971. Green, M., Ullman, M., & Tauber, E. Dreaming and modern dream theory. In J. Marmor (Ed.), Modern Psychoanalysis. ? : Basic Books, 19? Green, W. The effect of LSD on the sleep-dream cycle. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1965, Vol. 140, 417-426. (2546) Greenberg, H., & Blank, R. Dreams of a dying patient. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1970, Vol. 43, 355-362. (8841) Greenberg, N. et al. A study in transsexualism. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1960, Vol. 34, 203-235. Greenberg, N., & Rosenwald, A. Transvestism and pruritus perinei. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1958, Vol. 20, 145-150. Greenberg, R. Cerebral cortex lesions: The dream process and sleep spindles. Cortex, 1966, Vol. 2, 357-366. (4025) Greenberg, R. Dream interuption insomnia. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1967, Vol. 144, 18-21. Greenberg, R., & Leiderman, P. Perceptions, the dream process and memory: An up-to-date version of notes on a mystic writing pad. Comprehensive Psychiatry, 1966, Vol. 7, 517-523. (9766) Greenberg, R., & Pearlman, C. Delirium tremens and dreaming. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1967, Vol. 124, 133-142. (15481) Greenberg, R., & Pearlman, C. A psychoanalytic-dream continuum: The source and function of dreams, International Review of Psycho-Analysis, 1975, Vol. 2, 441-448. (1556) Greenberg, R., & Pearlman, C. REM sleep and the analytic process: A psychophysiologic bridge. Pychoanalytic Quarterly, 1975, Vol. 44, 392-403. (4983) Greenberg, R., & Pearlman, C. REM sleep and adaptation of psychiatric patients: An application of sleep studies. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1976, Vol. 133, 1147-1150. (3811) Greenberg, R., & Pearlman, C. If Freud only knew: A reconsidertion of psychoanalytic dream theory. International Review of Psycho-Analysis, 1978, Vol. 5, 71-75. (16) Greenberg, R., Pearlman, C., Brooks, R., Mayer, R., & Hartmann, E. Dreaming and Korsakoff's psychosis. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1968, Vol. 18, 203-209. Greenberg, R., Pearlman, C., Fingar, R., Kantrowitz,J., & Kawliche, S. The effects of dream deprivation: Implications for a theory of the psychological function of dreaming. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1970, Vol. 43, 1-11. Greenberg, R., Pearlman, C., & Gampel, D. War neuroses and the adaptive function of REM sleep. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1972, Vol. 45, 27-33. (11615) Greenberg, R., Pillard, R., & Pearlman, C. Dream deprivaton and adaptation to stress. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 5, 238. Greenberg, R., Pillard, R., & Pearlman, C. The effect of dream (stage REM) deprivation on adaptation to stress. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1972, Vol. 34, 257-262. Greenleaf, E. "Senoi" dream groups. Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice, 1973, Vol. 10, 218-222. (5996) Greenwood, F. Imagination in dreams and their study. London, 1894. No publisher. Greenwood, P., Wilson, D., & Gazzaniga, M. Dream report following commissurotomy. Cortex, 1977, Vol. 13, 311-316. (3944) Grempel, F. Beitrag zur Atiologie und Therapie des Schlafwandelns [Contribution concerning the etiology and therapy of somnambulism]. Praxis der Psychotherapie, 1964, Vol. 9, 108-117. (5448) Grey, A. Oedipus in Hindu dreams, Ghandi's life and Erickson's concepts. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 1973, Vol. 9, 327-355. (7749) Grey, A. A social science approach to the study of dreams. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 1981, Vol. 9, 227-235. (12555) Grey, A., & Kalsched, D. Oedipus East and West: An exploration via manifest dream content. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 1971, Vol. 2, 337-352. (786) Grey, E., & Emerson, L. A striking acquirement of visualizing power and the development of dreams following a cerebral tumor extirpation. Journal of the American Medical Association, 1913, Vol, p.?? (Also a German review, other ref.) Grieser, C. The adaptive function of stage REM sleep: The effect of dreaming on the recall of threatening stimuli. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1972, Vol. 33(4-B), 1791. (3796) Grieser, C., Greenberg, R., & Harrison, R. The adaptive function of sleep: The differential effects of sleep and dreaming on recall. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1972, Vol. 80, 280- 286. (8396) Griffin, M., & Foulkes, D. Deliberate presleep control of dream content: An experimental study. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1977, Vol. 45, 660-662. (6738) Griffith, R. Dreams of finding money. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1951, Vol. 5, 521-530. (3255) Griffith, R. Typical dreams: A statistical study of personality correlates. Dissertation Abstracts, 1958, Vol. 18, 1106. Griffith, R., Miyagi, O., & Tago, A. Universality of typical dreams: Japanese versus Americans. American Anthropologist, 1958, Vol. 60, 1173-1179. (9900) Grinberg, L., & De Grinberg, R. [Monday dreams.] (Sp.) Rev. Psicoanal., 1961, Vol. 17, 449-455. (2663) Grinker, R., & Spiegel, J. Men under stress. London: Churchill, 1945. Grinstein, A. The convertible as a symbol in dreams. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1954 Vol. 2, 466-472. (4012) Grinstein, A. On Sigmund Freud's dreams. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1968. (11539) Gross, A. Sense of time in dreams. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1949, Vol. 18, 466-470. (3628) Grosser, G., & Siegal, Emergence of a tonic-phasic model for sleep and dreaming: Behavioral and physiological observations. Psychological Bulletin, 1971, Vol. 75, 60-72. Groth-Marnat, G. The phenomenon of dying as seen through the dreams of individuals with a reduced life expectancy. Disertation Abstracts International, 1978, Vol. 38(8-B), 3880. (3945) Grotjohn, M. Dream observations in a two-year-four-months-old baby. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1938, Vol. 7, 507-513. (2227) Grotjohn, M. Daughter in dreams. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1945, Vol. 14, 221-227. Grotstein, J. Who is the dreamer who dreams the dream and who is the dreamer who understands it: A psychoanalytic inquiry into the ultimate nature of being. Contemporary Psychoanalysis, 1979, Vol. 15, 110-169. (6072) Grotz, R. A comparison of Thematic Apperception Test stories and manifest dream narratives. Unpublished??? master's thesis, Western Reserve University, 1950. Grunebaum, G.,& Caillois, R.(Eds.). The dream and human societies. Los Angeles: University of California Press, 1966. Gruenewald, D. Notes toward a neuropsychological theory of dreams. Proceedings of the 73rd Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, 1965, 217-218. (13210) Style? Gruhle, H. Die Traumdeutung der Antike [Interpretation of dreams in antiquity]. (Session report.) Arch. f. Psychiat., 1929, Vol. 86, 306. (2682) Grunbaum, A. Die Erforschung der Traume als eine Methode der topischen Diagnostik bei Grosshirnkrankungen [The study of dreams as a method of topical diagnosis in cerebral disease]. Zsch. f. d. ges. Neur. u. Psychiat., ______, Vol. 93, 416-20. (633) Grunert, J. [Freud and Irma: Genetic aspects of the "initial dream of psychoanalysis".] (Ger.) Psyche, Stuttgart, 1975, Vol. 29, 721-744. (4537) Grunert, U. [The analyst in the initial dream.] (Ger.) Psyche, Stuttgart, 1975, Vol. 29, 865-889. (14112) Guillemain, B. Le rire et les reves [Laughter and dreams]. Psyche, 1952, Vol. 7, 689-691. (6389) Gutheil, E. The language of the dream. New York: Macmillan, 1939. (2471) Gutheil, E. Dream and suicide, American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1948, Vol. 2, 283-294. Gutheil, E. Dreams as an aid in evaluating ego strength. American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1958, Vol. 12, 338-357. (7875) Gutheil, E. The handbook of dream analysis. New York: Grove, 1960. (3IJI0G) Guttman, S. A note on morning depression. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1954, Vol.2 , 479-483. (4301). Gottman, S. Dreams and affects. Bulletin of the Philadelphia Association for Psychoanalysis, 1955, Vol. 5, 45-53. (ALSO ABSTRACT, PSYC Quart.)Dream Bibliography (H)
FILENAME: DREAM.H1 H. Dreams. Sudan notes and records, 1922, Vol. 5, 108. Haberlin, P. Zur Lehre vom Traum [A contribution to the theory of dream]. Schweiz. Arch. Neurol. Psychiat., 1951, Vol. 67, 19-46. (2618) Hadfield, J. Dreams and nightmares. London & Baltimore (Q: keep both? Style Q.): Penguin Books, 1954. (3643) Halbwachs, M. Le Reve et le langage inconscient dans le sommeil [The dream and unconscious language in sleep]. Journal de Psychologie Normale et Pathologique, 1946, Vol. 39, 11-64. (446) Hall, C. Diagnosing personality by the analysis of dreams. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1947, Vol. 42, 68- 79. (2323) Hall, C. Frequencies in certain categories of manifest content and their stability in a long dream series. American Psychologist, 1948, Vol. 3, 274. Hall, C. Aggression and friendliness as expressed in the dreams of young adults. American Psychologist, 1950, Vol. 5, 304. (850) Hall, C. What people dream about. Scientific American, 1951, Vol. 184, 60-63. (7321) Hall, C. Acognitive theory of dreams. Journal of General Psychology, 1953, Vol. 49, 273-282. ( Add: In M. DeMartino (Ed.), Dreams and personality dynamics. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas, 1959???) Should title read: A cognitive . . .? Hall, C. A cognitive theory of dream symbols. Journal of General Psychology, 1953, Vol. 48, 169-186. Hall, C. The meaning of dreams. New York: Harper, 1953. (Harper and Roe?) (6413) Hall, C. What dreams tell us about man. Pastoral Psychol., 1953, Vol. 3, 34-38. (6414) Hall, C. The significance of the dream of being attacked. Journal of Personality, 1955, Vol. 24, 168-180. Hall, C. Current trends in research on dreams. In D. Brower & L. Abt, Progress in clinical psychology: II. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1956. Hall, C. Out of the dream came the faucet. Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Review, 1962, Vol. 49, 113-116 (unclear whether also p. 3) Hall, C. Dreams of American college students. Lawrence: University of Kansas Publications, 1963. (6279) Is U. Kansas correctly spelled out? Hall, C. Strangers in dreams: An empirical confirmation of the Oedipus complex. Journal of Personality, 1963, Vol. 31. 336- 345. (12555) Hall, C. A modest confirmation of Freud's theory of a distinction between the superego of men and women. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1964, Vol. 69, 440-442. Hall, C. Slang and dream symbols. Psychoanalytic Review, 1964, Vol. 51, 38-48. Hall, C. A comparison of the dreams of four groups of hospitalized mental patients with each other and with a normal population. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1966, Vol. 143, 135-139. (3824) Hall, C. Studies of dreams reported in the laboratory and at home. Institute of Dream Research Monograph Series, 1966, No. 1. (Style? No. or Vol.?) (3825) Hall, C. STYLE??? Content analysis of dreams: Categories, units and norms, p. 26. Institute of Dream Research and University of California, Santa Cruz. National Conference on Content Analysis, University of Pennsylvania, November 16-18, 1967. Hall, C. Are prenatal and birth experiences represented in dreams? Psychoanalytic Review, 1967, Vol. 54, 157-174. (10637) Hall, C. The methodology of content analysis applied to dreams. In M. Kramer (Ed.), Dream psychology and the new biology of dreaming. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas, 1969. (ADD ref. to Cincinnati Symposium, 1967?) Hall, C. Representation of the laboratory setting in dreams. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1967, Vol. 144, 198-206. (12961) Hall, C. Do we dream during sleep: Evidence for the Goblot hypothesis. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1981, Vol. 53, 239- 246. (11369) Hall, C., & Domhoff, B. Aggression in dreams. International Journal of Social Psychiatry, 1963, Vol. 9, 259-267. (15744) Hall, C., & Domhoff, B. A ubiquitous sex difference in dreams. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1963, Vol. 66, 278- 280. (8107) Hall, C., & Domhoff, B. Friendliness in dreams. Journal of Social Psychology, 1964, Vol. 62, 309-314. Hall, C., & Domhoff, B. The dreams of Freud and Jung. Psychology Today, 1968, Vol. 2, 42-45, 64-65. (14653) Hall, C., & Van De Castle, R. An empirical investigation of the castration complex in dreams. Journal of Personality, 1965, Vol. 33, 20-29. (10436) Hall, C., & Van De Castle, R. The content analysis of dreams. New York: Appleton-Century-Crofts, 1966. (6183) Hall, C., Van De Castle, R., Hess, R., Dertke, M., Daverso, G., DuPont, G., Nordby, V., Scott, J., & Clark, S. Studies of dreams reported in the laboratory and at home. Institute of Dream Research Monograph Series, 1966, No. 1. Hall, J. Religious symbols in dreams of analytical patients. Journal of the American Academy of Psychoanalysis, 1981, Vol. 9, 237-249. (12557) Hall, J. Polanyi and Jungian psychology: Dream-ego and waking ego. Journal of Analytical Psychology, 1982, Vol. 27, 239-254. (4962) Haller, B. Dream content scanning without coding. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1977, Vol. 45, 239-245. (4306) Hallowell, A. (or I--Irving?) Freudian symbolism in the dream of a Saulteaux Indian man. WHAT JOURNAL? 1938, Vol. 38, 47-48. Hallowell, I. The role of dreams in Ojibwa culture. In G.Von Grunebaum & R. Caillois (Eds.), The dream and human society. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1966. Hallstrom, T. Night terror in adults through three generations. Acta Psychiatr. Scand., 1972, Vol. 48, 350-352. Haltresht, M. The meaning of De Quincey's "Dream-fugue on . . . sudden death.' Literature and Psychology, 1976, Vol. 26, 31- 36. (7852) Hamburger, W. The occurrence and meaning of dreams of food and eating. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1958, Vol. 20, 1-16. Handal, P., & Rychlak, J. Curvilinearity between dream content and death anxiety and the relationship of death anxiety to repression-sensitization. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 1971, Vol. 77, 11-16. Handler, L. The amelioration of nightmares in children. Psychotherapy, 1972, Vol. 9, 54-56. Handry, E. Dreaming in relation to spirit kindred and sickness in Hawaii. In R. Lowrie, Essays in anthropology presented to A. L. Kroeber. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1936. (397) Hanks, L, Jr. An explanation of the content of dreams through an interpretation of dreams of convicts. Journal of General Psychology, 1940, Vol. 23, 31-46. (231) Harley, M. The role of the dream in the analysis of a latency child. Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, 1962, Vol. 10, 271-288. (6881) Harms, E. Problems of sleep and dream in children. New York: Macmillan, 1961(?). (2208) Harriman, P. The dream of falling. Journal of General Psychology, 1939, Vol. 20, 229-233. (3647) Dreams plural??? Harris, I. Observations concerning typical anxiety dreams. Psychiatry, 1948, Vol. 11, 310-309. (Correct numbers?) (1305) Also in M. DeMartino (Ed.), Dreams and personality dynamics. Springfield, ILL: Charles C. Thomas, 1959. Harris, I. Characterological significance of the typical anxiety dreams. Psychiatry, 1951, Vol. 14, 279-294. (2033) Harris, I. The dream of the object endangered. Psychiatry, 1957, Vol. 20, 151-161 Harris, I. Typical anxiety dreams and object relations. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1960, Vol. 41, 604- 611. (2664) Harris, I. Dreams about the analyst. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1962, Vol. 43, 151-158. (6822) Harris, M., & Ray, W. Dream content and its relation to self- reported interpersonal behavior. Psychiatry, 1977, Vol. 40, 363-368. (322)
Dream Bibliography (I) no entries
Dream Bibliography (J) no entries
Kafka, H. The use of color in projective tests and dreams in relation to the theory of ego autonomy. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1963, Vol. 26(0-6), 3487. Kafka, H. Studies in the consistency of expressiveness (use of color and primary processes) in dreams and projective tests. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Palo Alto, Cal, March 1964. Kafka, H., Eagle, C., & Holt, R. Studies in the consistency of expressiveness (use of color and primary processes) in dreams and projective tests. Paper presented at the meeting of the APSS, Palo Alto, CA, March 1964. Kahana, B. Stages of the dream concept among Hasidic children. Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1970, Vol. 116, 3-9. Kahana, R. A remission through crisis in ulcerative colitis. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1962, Vol. 24, 499-506. Kahn, E., Dement, W., Fisher, C., & Barmack, J. Incidence of color in immediately recalled dreams. Science, 1962, Vol. 137, 1054-1055. (5253) Kahn, E., & Fisher, C. Dream recall and erections in the healthy aged. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 4, 393-394. Kahn, E., & Fisher, C. REM sleep and sexuality in the aged. Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 1969, Vol. 2, 181-199. Kahn, E., Fisher, C., Edwards, A., & Davis, D. Mental content of stage 4 night terrors. Proceedings of the 81st Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, Montreal, Canada, 1973, Vol. 3, 501-502. (7024) Kahn, E., Fisher, C., & Lieberman, L. Dream recall in the normal aged. Journal of the American Geriatric Society, 1969, Vol. 17, 1121-1126. (3910) Journal title Ok? was abbreviated. Kahn, J. "Do not interpretations belong to God?" The validity of interpretations in psychotherapy and in literature. British Journal of Medical Psychology, 1975, Vol. 48, 227-236. (1579) Kahn, J., & Nursten, J. School refusal: A comprehensive view of school phobia and other failures of school attendance. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1962, Vol. 32, 707-718. Kales, A. et. al. Mentation during sleep: REM and NREM recall reports. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 1967, Vol. 24, 555-560. (9768) Kales, A. et. al. Effects of hypnotics on sleep patterns, dreaming, and mood state: Laboratory and home studies. Biological Psychiatry, 1969, Vol. 1, 235-241. (9155) Kales, A. et al. Nightmares: Clinical characteristics and personality patterns. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1980, Vol. 137, 1197-1201. (12636) Kales, A., & Jackson, A. Mental activity during sleep: Recall studies, somnambulism, and effects of rapid eye movement deprivation and drugs. Experimental Neurology, 1967, Suppl. 4, 81-90. (4721) Check Suppl. style. Kales, A., Malmstrom, E., & Tan, T. Drugs and dreaming. Progr. Clin. Psychol., 1968, Vol. 8, 154-167. Kales, J. et al. Baseline sleep and recall studies in children. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 4, 391. (15274) Kales, J. et al. Sleepwalking and night terrors related to febrile illness. American Journal of Psychiatry, 1979, Vol. 136, 1214-1215. (5767) Kales, J. et al. Night terrors: Clinical characteristics and personality patterns. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1980, Vol. 37, 1413-1417. (5752) Kales, J., Allen, C., Preston, T., Tan, T.-L., & Kales, A. Changesin REM sleep and dreaming with cigarette smoking and following withdraw(al?). Missing Info. Kales, J., Kales, A., Jacobson, A., Paulson, M., Klein, J., & Kun, T. Dream recall studies in children. Electroenceph. Clin. Neurophysiol., 1968, Vol. 24, 397. Kaley, H. The effects of subliminal stimuli and drive on verbal responses and dreams. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1970, Vol. 31(4-B), 2284. (197) Kalsched, D. Adaptive regression and primary process in dream reports. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1972, Vol. 33(1- B), 441-442. (854) Kalter, S. Excretion of urinary indoles in patients with recurrent dreams. Diseases of the Nervous System, 1968, Vol. 29, 182-188. (12164) Kampman, R., & Ihalainen, O. A changing dream in the hypnoanalytic treatment of a spastic torticollis patient. American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, 1974, Vol. 16, 206-209. (8195) Kant, O. Dreams of schizophrenic patients. Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 1942, Vol. 95, 335-347. (2666) Kant, O. The technique of dream analysis. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 1942, Vol. 37, 104-114. Kanzer, M. The therapeutic use of dreams induced by hypnotic suggestion. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1945, Vol. 14, 313-335. Kanzer, M. The metapsychology of the hypnotic dream. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1953, Vol. 34, 228-231. (4013) Kanzer, M. Observations on blank dreams with orgasms. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1954, Vol. 23, 511-520. (5277) Kanzer, M. The communicative function of the dream. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1955, Vol. 36, 260- 266. (2959) Kanzer, M. The recollection of the forgotten dream. J. Hillside Hosp., 1959, Vol. 8, 74-85. NOTE: This journal name is spelled out earlier. Kanzer, M. An autobiographical legacy of Victor Tausk. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1971, Vol. 52, 423- 430. (7332) Kaplan, B. Primary records in culture and personality. Vol. II Madison, Wisc., Microcard Foundation, 1957, 209 cards. STYLE??? Q: The general question about state abbreviation style, for throughout. Kaplan, D. The emergence of projection in a series of dreams. Psychoanalysis and the Psychoanalytic Review, 1962, Vol. 49, 37- 52. Kaplan, S. M.(What is first name? S.R. below.), Gottschalk, L., Magliocco, E., Rohovit, D., & Ross, W. (Check handwriting) Hostility in verbal productions and hypnotic dreams of hypertensive patients. Psychosomatic Medicine, 1961, Vol. 23, 311-322. Kaplan, Seymour. The "group dream." International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 1973, Vol. 23, 421-431. (3740) Kaplan, Seymour. Symposium: Dream and the group setting introduction. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy, 1973, Vol. 23, 387-393. Karacan, I. The effect of exciting pre-sleep events on dream reporting and penile erections during sleep. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of New York, 1960. Karacan, I., Goodenough, D., Shapiro, A., & Starker, S. Erection cycle during sleep in relation to dream anxiety. Archives of General Psychiatry, 1966, Vol. 15, 183-189. (10728) Karacan, I., Wolf, S., Williams, R., Hursch, C., & Webb, W. The effect of fever on sleep and dream patterns. Psychosom., 1968, Vol. 9, 331-339. Karacan, I. et. al. Sleep and dreaming during late pregnancy and postpartum. Psychophysiology, 1968, Vol. 4, 378. (14993) Karle, W., Heart, J., Corriere, R., & Woldenberg, L. A clinical illustratrion of a new theory of dreaming. Psychology: A Quarterly Journal of Human Behavior, 1980, Vol. 17, 3-9. (8440) Karpman, B. Dream analysis of a constitutional psychopath: Toward the problem of differential dream analysis. Psychoanal. Rev., 1946, Vol. 33, 215-236. (4590??) Karpman, B. Dream life in a case of transvestism; with particular attention to the problems of latent homosexuality. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 1947, Vol. 106, 292-337. Karpman, B. Dramanalysis. (???) American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1952, Vol. 22, 570-583. Karpman, B. Dream life in a case of hebephrenia. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1953, Vol. 27, 262-319. Karpman, B. Psychogenic (hysterical) dysphagia: Report of a case. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 1953, Vol. 23, 472. Karpman, B. Dream life in a case of pyromania. Psychoanal. Rev., 1955, Vol. 42, 44-60. (3103) Karpman, B. Dream life in a case of uxoricide (conclusion). Archives of Criminal Psychodynamics, 1957, Vol. 2, 866-925. (1755) Karpman, B. Contrasting psychodynamics in two types of psychopathic behavior: A case of symptomatic psychopathy. Archives of Criminal Psychodynamics, 1959, Vol. 3, 69-152. (3206) Karpman, B. From the dream life of a voyager: A study in the psychodynamics of antisocial paraphilias. Conclusion. Archives of Criminal Psychodynamics, 1961, Vol. 4, 317-365. (1JL17K) Kasatkin, V. [On the influence of stimuli, applied to a sleeping person, upon the content of his dreams.] Voprosy Psikhologii, 1958, Vol. 4, 58-69. (9903) FOREIGN TITLE is available.) Kasatkin, V. [Clinical investigation of dreams (criticism of the localistic theory of dreams.] (Russian.) Leningrad, USSR: Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii, 1966, Vol. 66 720-726. (690) Kasatkin, V. Teoriya snovidenii [Theory of dreams]. Leningrad, USSR: Meditsina, 1967. (16536) Kasatkin, V. Snovideniya pri porazhenii zritel'nogo analizatora [Dreams in the presence of lesion of the visual analyzer]. Zhurnal Nevropatologii i Psikhiatrii, 1968, Vol 68, 820-824. (16234) Kass, W., Preiser, G., & Jenkins, A. Interrelationship of hallucinations and dreams in spontaneously hallucinating patients. Psychiatric Quarterly, 1970, Vol. 44, 488-499. (11200) Kastenbaum, R. Loving, dying, and other gerontologic addenda. In C. Eisdorfer & M. Lawton (Eds.), The psychology of adult development and aging. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association, 1973. (11010) Katan, M. Dream and psychosis: Their relationship to hallucinatory processes. International Journal of Psycho- Analysis, 1960, Vol. 41, 341-351. (11J41K) Kataoka, N., Yamauchi, T., Hirabayashi, Y., & Yamazaki, K. [Psychophysiological mechanisms of night terrors: A case report.] (Japanese.) Japanese Journal of Child Psychiatry, 1978, Vol. 19, 91-100. (12855) Katona, K. Gyermeki alomelmeletek [Children's dream theories]. Budapest: Pazmany Peter Univ. Phil. Dept., 1939. (2160) Katz, J. The Joseph dreams anew. Psychoanalytic Review, 1963, Vol. 50, 92-118. (1961) Katzenstein, V. The effects of the menstrual cycle on dream reports. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1975, Vol. 36(4- B), 1921. (6181) Kawliche, S. Visual imagery and dreaming. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1969, Vol. 30(05-B), 2422. Keable, R. A people of dreams. The Hibbert Journal, 1921, April, 522-531, (no vol??) Keenan, R. Content analysis and visual scanning theory in dreams. Journal of the American Society of Psychosomatic Dentistry & Medicine, 1970, Vol. 17, 17-20. (1633) Keiser, S. Body ego during orgasm. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1952, Vol. 21, 153-166. Keith, C. Some aspects of transference in dream research. Menninger Clinic Bulletin, 1962, Vol. 26, 248-257. Kelchner, G. Dreams in old Norse literature and their affinities to folk-lore. London: Cambridge University Press, 1935. (4052) Keller, H. My dreams. Century, 1908, Vol. 77, 71. Kellerman, J. Single case study: Behavioral treatment of night terrors in a child with acute lesions. Journal of Nervous & Mental Disease, 1979, Vol. 167, 182-185. (3784) Kelman, H. A new approach to dream interpretation. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1944, Vol. 4, 89-107. Kelman, H. Movement in dreams. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1950, Vol. 10, 77-79. Kelman, H. Techniques in dream interpretation. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1963, Vol. 25, 3-26. (15516) Kelman, H. A phenomenological approach to dream interpretation: 1. Phenomenology--an historical perspective. American Journal of Psychoanalysis, 1965, Vol. 25, 188-202. (2034) Kelman, H. The "day precipitate" of dreams: The Morris hypothesis. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1975, Vol. 56, 209-218. (6047) Kemper, W. Analyse zweier eindrucksvoller Wahrtraume [Analysis of two striking prophetic dreams]. Psyche, Heidelberg, 1954, Vol. 8, 450-467. (6895) Kemper, W. Zur Praxis der therapeutischen Traumdeutung [The practice of therapeutic dream interpretation]. Zeitschrift fur Psychotherapie und medizinische Psychologie, 1956, Vol. 6, 233- 244. Kenneth, J. Social relations in a dream. Nature, 1926, Vol. 118, 194. Kenton, E. (Ed.), The Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents New York: Vanguard Press, 1951. Kerr, N., Foulkes, D., & Jurkovic, G. Reported absence of visual dream imagery in a normally sighted subject with Turner's syndrome. Journal of Mental Imagery, 1978, Vol. 2, 247-264. (12232) Khan, K. Dreams of normal people. Proc. 6th Pakistan Sci. Conf., Karachi, 1954, Pt. III, 278. (4165) (STYLE?) Khan, M. The changing use of dreams in psychoanalytic practice: In search of the dreaming experience. International Journal of Psycho-Analysis, 1976, Vol. 57, 325-330. (14126) Kielholz, A. Von den Traumen einer Blinden [A blind woman's dreams]. Mschr. Psychiat. Neurol., 1941, Vol. 104, 280-300. (2668) Kiesow, F. Sulla frequenza dei sogni gustativi ed.olfattivi [On the frequency of gustatory and olfactory dreams]. Arch. ital., di psicol., 1929, Vol. 7, 226-231. (194) Kilborne, B. [Cultural models and interpretation of dreams in Morocco.] (French.) Perspectives Psychiatriques, 1975, Vol. 53, 279-282. (5658) Kilborne, B. The cultural setting of dream interpretation. Psychopathologie Africaine, 1976, Vol. 12, 77-89. (3138) Kilborne, B. [Interpretation of dreams and attitudes toward authority in Morocco.] (French.) Psychopathologie Africaine, 1977, Vol. 13, 71-79. (5276) Kimmins, C. Children's dreams. In A handbook of child psycholgy. (Check handwriting. Book author??) Worcester, Mass: Clark University Press, 1931. (4982) Kimmins, C. Children's dreams. London: Allen & Unwin, 1937. (3768) King, A. The dream biography of a mountain maidu. Character and Pers., 1943, Vol. 11, 227-234. (3179) King, C. Dream and the problem of consciousness. Journal of General Psychology, 1947, Vol. 37, 15-24. King, H. An investigation of relationships between hypnotic susceptibility, manifest dream content and personality characteristics. Dissertation Abstracts International, 1972, Vol. 33(1-B), 442. (855) Kinsey, A., Martin, C., Pomeroy, W., & Gebbard, P. Nocturnal sex dreams. In M. DeMartino (Ed.), Dreams and personality dynamics. Springfield, Ill: Charles C. Thomas, 1959. Kirsch, J. 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(2596) (NOTE: Add -- 2nd part of a 2-part article: see M. Klapahouk, 43:2???) Klatt, G. Traume eines Abstinenten [Dreams of an abstainer].. Ins. Zsch. f. Individ.? psychol., 1929, Vol. 1, 50-57. (3132) Kleeman, J. Dreaming for a dream course. Psychoanalytic Quarterly, 1962, Vol. 31, 203-231. (3027) Klein, D. The experimental production of dreams during hypnosis. Univ. Texas Bull., 1930, Vol. 3009, 71. Note: Ok style--vol. for No.?? (2653) Klein, G., Fiss, H., Sholar, E., Dalbeck, R., Warga, C., & Gwozdy, F. Recurrent dream fragments in dreams and fantasies elicited in interrupted and completed REM periods. Psychophysiology, 1970, Vol. 7, 331. Klein-Lipshutz, E. Comparison of dreams in individual and group psychotherapy. Int. J. group Psychother., 1953, Vol. 3, 143- 149. (4441) Kleinschmidt, W. The nature of sleep, dreams and aging: A theory involving conformational changes of biopolymers. Perspectives in Biology & Medicine, 1974, Vol. 17, 371-378. (11614) Kleinsorge, H. 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